P&A Grant Thornton was born in 1988, headed by two prominent leaders in the accounting profession in the Philippines, Benjamin R. Punongbayan and Jose G. Araullo.

Punongbayan & Araullo (P&A) is the Philippine member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd, one of the world’s leading organizations of independently owned and managed accounting and consulting firms.


To be the preferred business advisor of dynamic organisations. 


As a leading professional services firm, we deliver to our clients the highest quality work and value added services responsive to their needs and expectations. We attract, develop and retain high-performance people, and commit to make continuous improvement in all that we do.


Benjamin Punongbayan

Ben is a pillar of the Philippine accounting profession, with over 60 years of experience in public accounting. As the esteemed founder of P&A Grant Thornton, Ben’s guidance allowed the Firm to position itself as one of the largest public accounting firms in the Philippines.


    Jose Araullo

    Joe's professional experience includes top management positions held over 14 years in a group of companies that includes the country’s largest commercial bank. Prior to his role as Chairman Emeritus of P&A Grant Thornton, he held CEO- and COO-level positions in the network’s various companies.