P&A メールマガジン2019年11月

30 Nov 2019

2019 年11 月22 日にBIR よりSemestral List of Regular Suppliers(以下、SRS)の廃止 についての公表が行われました(RMC No. 122-2019)。

Increase of PhilHealth Premium Contribution Effective December 2019

28 Nov 2019

Pursuant to the provisions of Republic Act No. 11223--or the "Universal Health Care Act (UHC Act)"-- the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) issued Circular No. 2019-0009, providing the new monthly premium contributions in accordance to the premium rates and monthly income/basic salary floor and ceiling as prescribed in the UHC Act.

Increase of PhilHealth Premium Contribution Effective December 2019

28 Nov 2019

Pursuant to the provisions of Republic Act No. 11223--or the "Universal Health Care Act (UHC Act)"-- the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) issued Circular No. 2019-0009, providing the new monthly premium contributions in accordance to the premium rates and monthly income/basic salary floor and ceiling as prescribed in the UHC Act.

Use of old version of BIR Form Nos. 2306, 2307, and 2316

28 Nov 2019

This Tax Alert is issued to inform all concerned on the clarifications regarding the use of old version of BIR Form Nos. 2306, 2307, and 2316 (BIR Certificates).

Extended deadline for submission of BIR Form Nos. 1604C and 1604F

28 Nov 2019

This Tax Alert is issued to inform all concerned on the extended deadline for submission of BIR Form Nos. 1604C and 1604F and related alphalists for the taxable year 2019.