P&A メールマガジン2019年3月

18 Mar 2019

2019 年3月18日にTop Withholding Agen(t 以下、TWA)に該当する企業の一覧が更新され、 公表されました。制度の内容は2018 年4 月号のメルマガでも記載をさせていただきました が、以下のとおりです。

March 2019 Issue

15 Mar 2019

Click on the attachment to read the March 2019 issue of the Tax brief: a monthly publication about developments in Philippine taxation.

Insights into PFRS 16: Lease Payments

05 Mar 2019

This Accounting Alert is issued to provide a discussion on how lease payments should be recognized in the measurement of the lease liability as introduced by PFRS 16.

Insights into PFRS 16: Lease Payments

05 Mar 2019

This Accounting Alert is issued to provide a discussion on how lease payments should be recognized in the measurement of the lease liability as introduced by PFRS 16.

The Revised Corporation Code

04 Mar 2019

This tax alert is issued to inform all on the salient provisions of the Act providing for the Revised Corporation Code (RCC) of the Philippines signed by the President on February 20, 2019.