もし工場長が企業経営者になったら 第18回

02 Mar 2018

もし工場長が企業経営者になったら 第18回:統治基盤に対する客観視(3)-コンプライアンスの遵守-

March 2018 Issue

01 Mar 2018

Click on the attachment below to read the March 2018 issue of the Tax brief: a monthly publication about developments in Philippine taxation.

[Updated] Quarterly filing of Percentage Tax Return

22 Feb 2018

This Updated Tax Alert is issued to inform all concerned on the filing and payment deadline for remittance of percentage tax pursuant to TRAIN Law and BIR Advisory dated February 19, 2018 and signed by Commissioner Dulay.

経営者のための会計税務解説 第10回

20 Feb 2018


Bridges: News For & About P&A Alumni (Special Issue)

15 Feb 2018

Bridges: News For & About P&A Alumni (Special Issue)