January 2017 issue

18 Jan 2017

Click on the attachment below to read the January 2017 issue of the Tax brief: a monthly publication about developments in Philippine taxation.

もし工場長が企業経営者になったら 第6回

06 Jan 2017

もし工場長が企業経営者になったら 第6回:財務に対する客観視(5)~会社が儲かっているか? 2~

2017 Renewal of LGU Registration

03 Jan 2017

This Tax Alert is issued to remind all concerned on the requirement to renew LGU registration this January. The Local Government Code (LGC) requires every business establishment to annually renew its registration with the Local Government Unit (LGU) that has jurisdiction over its place of business.

2017 Tax calendar

03 Jan 2017

Click on the attachment below to download the 2017 Tax calendar


02 Jan 2017
