もし工場長が企業経営者になったら 第4回

12 Oct 2016

もし工場長が企業経営者になったら 第4回:財務に対する客観視(3)~財務報告の見方のポイント2~

もし工場長が企業経営者になったら 第5回

12 Oct 2016

もし工場長が企業経営者になったら 第5回:財務に対する客観視(4)~会社が儲かっているか? 1~

Clarifications on compliance rules under TIMTA

04 Oct 2016

Clarifications on compliance rules under TIMTA (DOF-DTI Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2016-01; and PEZA MC 2016-035) PEZA advises REBs to review their reports and refer to the notes to the Annual Tax Incentives Report which provides the description of each column in order to avoid inaccurate reports. Amended reports can also be submitted within the deadline.

VAT audit program for TY 2015 onwards

28 Sep 2016

Under the VAT audit program of the BIR for 2015 and thereafter, taxpayers will be selected based on two sets of criteria. Taxpayers that will be subject to the regular VAT audit will be selected based on the criteria under RMO 20-2012.

September 2016 issue

23 Sep 2016

Click on the attachment below to read the September 2016 Issue of the Tax brief: a monthly publication about developments in Philippine taxation.