BIR resumes audit activities on RATE cases

24 Aug 2016

This Tax Alert is issued to inform all concerned that suspension of BIR audit activities pursuant to RMC 70-2016 is now partially lifted. In line of this RMC, all field audits, operations, visitations pursuant to audit notices in the implementation of LOAs pertaining to Run After Tax Evader (RATE) cases shall be resumed in accordance with existing BIR rules and regulations This is taken to encourage voluntary compliance with internal revenue tax laws and to allow BIR to continuously investigate criminal violations of the tax code.


17 Aug 2016

もし工場長が企業経営者になったら 第3回:財務に対する客観視(2)~財務報告の見方のポイント1~

経営者のための会計税務解説 第2回

17 Aug 2016

フィリピンの税務調査手続きの概要 フィリピンにおける税務調査対象となる企業選定基準から、手続きの流れ、各ステップの重要なポイントおよびリスクとなるペナルティなどについて解説する。

Outsourcing Brief: April - June 2016

15 Aug 2016

Outsourcing Brief Q2 2016

Third Quarter Edition of IFRS News

10 Aug 2016

This Accounting Alert is issued to provide quarterly update on all things relating to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). We begin this third edition of the year by looking at some of the potential financial reporting implications of the UK's decision to leave the European Union. We then look at the amendments and proposed amendments the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has recently made to its standards before looking at International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)-related news at Grant Thornton. Further on in the newsletter, you will find a general round-up of financial reporting developments and a summary of the implementation dates of newer standards that are not yet mandatory, and a list of IASB publications that are out for comment.