PRC BOA issued Q&A on Resolution No. 3-2016 on Financial Statements Preparation

27 Jan 2016

This Accounting Alert is issued to provide additional information about the recently released summary of clarifications (through a question and answer [Q&A] format) on Board of Accountancy (BOA) Resolution No. 3-2016 dated January 19, 2016.

New policies on compromise/abatement applications

27 Jan 2016

Denial of applications for compromise settlement and abatement at the regional/LTS level shall be considered FINAL, without need to elevate to the NEB.   The regions/LTS shall prepare the Notice of Denial which will be signed by the CIR without any further review by the National Evaluation Board.

Guidelines on CPA Accreditation Requirement of BOA Resolution No. 3, Series of 2016

27 Jan 2016

This Alert discusses the requirements of the Philippine Regulatory Board of Accountancy (“BOA”) with respect to the accreditation of Certified Public Accountants (“CPAs”) who will prepare the Certificate of Compilation Services for the Preparation of Financial Statements (“FS”) and Notes thereto (the “Certificate”) as provided by BOA’s Resolution No. 3, Series of 2016, Requiring the Submission of Certificate by the Responsible Certified Public Accountants on the Compilation Services for the Preparation of Financial Statements and Notes thereto, dated January 19, 2016 (the “Resolution”), which mandatorily applies for statutory financial information covering reporting periods ending June 30, 2016 and subsequent thereto filed with the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and the Bureau of Internal Revenue (“BIR”), particularly:

First Quarter Edition of IFRS News

26 Jan 2016

This Accounting Alert is issued to provide quarterly update on all things relating to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). We begin this first edition of 2016 by looking at IFRS 16, the new Standard on lease accounting which was published by the IASB on January 13, 2016. We then move on to items currently in the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)’s pipeline before taking a look at issues that regulators are likely to focus on in the coming months. Further on in the newsletter, you will find IFRS-related news at Grant Thornton and a general round-up of financial reporting developments. We finish with a summary of the implementation dates of newer Standards that are not yet mandatory, and a list of IASB publications that are out for comment.

Teleconferencing for stockholder’s meeting not allowed

22 Jan 2016

Section 51 of the Corporation Code requires that the stockholders’ meeting “shall be held in the city or municipality where the principal office of the corporation is located, and if practicable in the principal office of the corporation.”  This provision, according to SEC Opinion 16-01, presupposes that the attendees are in the same place during the meeting, which is not the case in teleconferencing.