Tax Filing and Payment guidelines during the extended enhanced community quarantine period (updated as of May 4, 2020)

07 May 2020

This Tax Briefer is prepared to guide and assist taxpayers in their filing and payment of tax returns and other submission to the BIR during the quarantine period. The extended deadlines shall apply to all taxpayers throughout the Philippines.

Outsourcing Brief Q1 2020

30 Apr 2020

Outsourcing Brief Q1 2020

PhilHealth Updates

30 Apr 2020

This Outsourcing Alert is issued to inform all concerned on updates on Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth).

P&A メールマガジン2020年4月

30 Apr 2020

2020 年3 月19 ⽇に公表された税務申告に関する期⽇の延⻑(RMC No.28-2020)に関して、ルソン島におけるECQ(強化されたコミュニティ隔離措置)が4 月30 ⽇まで延⻑された事に伴い、再延⻑が⾏われています(RMC No.39-2020 及びRR No.10-2020)。

IASB Proposes Relief for Rent Concessions During the COVID-19 Pandemic

29 Apr 2020

This Accounting Alert is issued to circulate and summarize the exposure draft published by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) which proposes for relief when accounting for rent concessions during the COVID-19 pandemic.