Issuance of New Schedule of SS Contributions Effective April 2019

21 Mar 2019

The Social Security System (SSS) has issued the new schedule of SS contributions effective April 2019 pursuant to the enactment of RA No. 11199 which highlights the increase in monthly contributions from 11% to 12%, minimum Monthly Salary Credit (MSC) to P2,000, and the maximum MSC to P20,000 effective year 2019.

Insights into PFRS 16: Lease Payments

05 Mar 2019

This Accounting Alert is issued to provide a discussion on how lease payments should be recognized in the measurement of the lease liability as introduced by PFRS 16.

Insights into PFRS 16: Lease Payments

05 Mar 2019

This Accounting Alert is issued to provide a discussion on how lease payments should be recognized in the measurement of the lease liability as introduced by PFRS 16.

The Revised Corporation Code

04 Mar 2019

This tax alert is issued to inform all on the salient provisions of the Act providing for the Revised Corporation Code (RCC) of the Philippines signed by the President on February 20, 2019.

Updates on Government Mandated Benefits (February)

22 Feb 2019

SSS Rationalization Act Republic Act No. 11199 or an “Act rationalizing and expanding the powers and duties of the Social Security Commission (SSC) to ensure long-term viability of the Social Security System” was signed by the President on Feb. 7, 2019. SSS members and employers will gradually contribute more from 11% to 12% this 2019 until it reaches 15% in 2025, and provide mandatory SSS coverage of OFWs.