Additional condition for 5% EWT on professional fees; extended deadlines for sworn declarations

23 Apr 2018

This Tax Alert is issued to inform all concerned on the amended rules on creditable withholding tax on professional, talent and commission fees payable to individual payees.

Updated Rules on the Filing and Payment of Withholding Tax

02 Apr 2018

This Tax Alert is issued to inform all on the following guidelines on the filing and payment of withholding taxes pursuant to Revenue Regulations No. 11-2018.

New Withholding Rules on payments of professional, talent and commission fees

26 Mar 2018

This Tax Alert is issued to inform all concerned on the changes on the creditable/expanded withholding tax rules on professional fees, talent fees and commissions, effective January 1, 2018.

New Rules on Withholding Agents for Purchases of Services and Goods

21 Mar 2018

This Tax Alert is issued to inform all on the new rules in determining the taxpayers required to withhold on purchases of goods and services other than those covered by other rates of withholding tax.

Status quo on VAT zero-rating of sales to PEZA entities

15 Mar 2018

The PEZA Director-General announced that sale of goods and services to PEZA entities shall continue to be subject to 0% VAT.