Available Tax Reliefs under Bayanihan to Recover as One Act (Bayanihan II)

22 Oct 2020

This Tax Briefer is prepared to inform all concerned taxpayers on the available tax relief/ exemptions as provided under the Bayanihan to Recover as One Act (RA 11494) or Bayanihan II, as implemented in RR Nos. 23 to 29-2020.

Tax incentives for donations of computers and similar equipment for use in teaching and learning in public schools

15 Oct 2020

This Tax Alert is issued to inform all concerned on the tax exemptions of donations of identified equipment for use in public schools pursuant to Bayanihan to Recover as One Act (Republic Act No. 11494) or the Bayanihan II.

SSS Circular no. 2020-006-d: Further Extension of Deadline of Remittance of Contributions in Aid to Recovery

14 Oct 2020

The further extension of deadline of remittance of contributions by Regular and Household Employers, Self-employed, Voluntary and Non-Working Spouse members has been approved by the Social Security Commission (SSC).

Further extensions on the deadline of filing for VAT refund claims and suspension of the 90-day period for processing of VAT refund

14 Oct 2020

This Tax Alert is issued to inform all concerned on the further extension of due dates for filing of VAT refund claims pursuant to Bayanihan to Recover as One Act (Republic Act No. 11494) or the Bayanihan II.

Insights into PFRS 16 - Lease Incentives

13 Oct 2020

This Accounting Alert is issued to provide guidance on lease incentives.