Extended deadlines of payment for local business tax, real property tax, and other taxes/fees in certain local government units (LGUs)

31 Mar 2020

This Tax Briefer is prepared to guide and assist taxpayers in their payment of local business tax (LBT), real property tax (RPT), and other taxes/fees in certain LGUs during the enhanced community quarantine period.

[UPDATE] Regulatory Relief for Entities Regulated by the Insurance Commission

30 Mar 2020

This accounting alert circulates new issuances by the Insurance Commission (IC) on extension of the deadline of filing of required reports.

Guidelines on Submission by Electronic Mail of Required Forms and Documents and Recognition of Electronic Signature

27 Mar 2020

This accounting alert circulates the adopted guidelines and procedures by the SEC to allow and facilitate the filing of reportorial requirements by electronic mail.

Tax Filing and Payment guidelines during the enhanced community quarantine period (updated as of March 24, 2020)

24 Mar 2020

This Tax Briefer is prepared to guide and assist taxpayers in their filing and payment of tax returns and other submissions to the BIR during the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) period (i.e. March 17, 2020 to April 12, 2020). The extensions apply to entire Luzon and other jurisdictions where Local Government Units (LGUs) implemented ECQ or similar measures.

Holiday Pay for 2020 Araw ng Kagitingan

23 Mar 2020

This Outsoucing Alert is issued to inform all concerned on the regulation regarding the holiday pay on April 9, 2020, Araw ng Kagitingan.