Updates on Government Mandated Benefits

23 Mar 2020

This Outsourcing Alert is issued to inform all concerned on the updates on government mandated benefits from Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth), Pag-IBIG Fund, and Social Security System (SSS).

Guidelines on the Adjustment Measures Program for Affected Workers Due to the Coronavirus Disease 2019

20 Mar 2020

This Outsourcing Alert is issued to inform all concerned on DOLE’s one-time financial assistance equivalent to P5,000 to be provided to affected workers due to the Luzon-wide enhanced community quarantine.

Alternative Means of Filing Reports, Communications and Other Documents with the SEC

20 Mar 2020

This accounting alert circulates notices uploaded by SEC in its website implementing new procedures for submission of reports and other documents during the quarantine period.

Additional Operational Relief for BSFIs Affected by Measures to Manage the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Situation and its Health and Safety Risks

20 Mar 2020

This accounting alert circulates the set of temporary measures issued by BSP aimed at assisting BSFIs whose ability to render financial services to the general public is affected by measures to manage COVID-19.

Guidelines for the Filing of General Information Sheet (GIS) During the COVID-19 Outbreak and Enhanced Community Quarantine

20 Mar 2020

This accounting alert circulates the memorandum circular by SEC on measures adopted to ease the burden of corporations in complying with certain laws and regulations.