SEC Extends Deadline for Annual and Quarterly Reports for...

16 Mar 2020

This accounting alert circulates SEC's memorandum circular on the extension of the deadline to give corporations affected by the outbreak of the new coronavirus disease more time to submit their annual and quarterly reports.

SEC Extends Deadline for Annual and Quarterly Reports for Companies affected by Covid-19

16 Mar 2020

This accounting alert circulates SEC's memorandum circular on the extension of the deadline to give corporations affected by the outbreak of the new coronavirus disease more time to submit their annual and quarterly reports.

Use of old BIR Forms 1604CF and 1604E

02 Mar 2020

This Tax Alert is issued to inform all concerned on the use of old BIR Forms 1604CF and 1604E and existing Alphalist Data Entry and Validation Module (Version 6.1).

Extended deadline for submission of BIR Forms 1604CF, 2316 and 1604E to March 31

28 Feb 2020

This Tax Alert is issued to inform all concerned on the extended deadline for submission of BIR Forms 2316, 1604CF, and 1604E and related alphalists for the year 2019.

Availability of new offline eBIRForms Package v7.6

28 Feb 2020

This Tax Alert is issued to inform all concerned on the availability of the offline eBIRForms Package version 7.6 downloadable from and