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SEC MC No. 2-2023: Grant of Amnesty for Non-Filing and Late Filing of GIS and AFS, and Non-Compliance with Memorandum Circular No. 28, S. 2020

24 Mar 2023

This Accounting Alert is issued to circulate Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC or the Commission) Memorandum Circular No 02 (MC/the Circular) series of 2023 dated March 16, 2023.

IC Advisory No. RS2023-006 FAQs and Clarifications on IC CL No. 2021-65

15 Mar 2023

This Accounting Alert is issued to circulate Insurance Commission (IC) Advisory No. RS2023-006 (the Advisory) dated March 13, 2023.

Goodwill accounting - is it a never-ending story or is a compromise possible?

10 Mar 2023

This Accounting Alert is issued to circulate Grant Thornton's insights on goodwill accounting, particularly on the issue of the impairment-only model versus scheduled goodwill amortization model.

Insights into PAS 36 - Other impairment issues

10 Mar 2023

This Accounting Alert is issued to provide an overview of Philippine Accounting Standard (PAS) 36, Impairment of Assets, to assist preparers of financial statements and those charged with the governance of reporting entities understand the requirements set out in PAS 36 and revisit some areas where confusion has been seen in practice.

Insights into PAS 36 - Presentation and Disclosure

09 Mar 2023

This Accounting Alert is issued to provide an overview of Philippine Accounting Standard (PAS) 36, Impairment of Assets, to assist preparers of financial statements and those charged with the governance of reporting entities understand the requirements set out in PAS 36 and revisit some areas where confusion has been seen in practice.