SEC 2023 Extension of Deadlines for the 2023 Filing of Annual Financial Statements

02 Mar 2023

This Accounting Alert is issued to circulate Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC or the Commission) Memorandum Circular No 01 (MC/the Circular) series of 2023 dated March 1, 2023.

Navigating the Changes to International Financial Reporting Standards 2023 Edition

22 Feb 2023

This Accounting Alert is issued to circulate Grant Thornton's Navigating the Changes to International Financial Reporting Standards 2023 Edition, a publication designed to give preparers and reviewers of IFRS financial statements a high-level awareness of recent changes to International Financial Reporting Standards. It covers both new Standards and Interpretations that have been issued and amendments made to existing ones.

SEC 2023 Schedule for Filing of the Audited Financial Statements and General Information Sheet

14 Dec 2022

This Accounting Alert is issued to circulate Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC or the Commission) Memorandum Circular No 09 (MC/the Circular) series of 2022 dated December 6, 2022.

Insights into PFRS 3 - Specific recognition and measurement provisions

21 Nov 2022

This Accounting Alert is issued to provide an overview of Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRS) 3, Business Combinations, to assist preparers of financial statements and those charged with the governance of reporting entities understand the requirements set out in PFRS 3 and revisit some areas where confusion has been seen in practice.

Adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Sustainability Disclosure Standards for General-Purpose Financial Statements and Renaming Financial Reporting Standards Council (FRSC) to Financial and Sustainability Reporting Standards Council (FSRSC)

21 Nov 2022

This Accounting Alert is issued to circulate Professional Regulatory Board of Accountancy Resolution No. 44 Series of 2022 (the Resolution) dated September 16, 2022.