Filing of Reports and Other Documents in SEC Main Office during Temporary Closure

29 Jun 2020

This Accounting Alert is issued to circulate the SEC Notice dated July 29, 2020 which provides guidelines on the filing of reports and other documents in relation to the temporary closure of the SEC Main Offce.

Options for the Submission of Reports, Applications and Other Documents to the SEC During Community Quarantine

26 Jun 2020

This Accounting Alert is issued to circulate the SEC Notice which lists down the different options for covered entities in the submission of reports, applications, requests, compliance and other documents to the SEC during the effectivity of all community quarantine imposed due to COVID-19.

COVID-19 Accounting Considerations for CFOs: Revenue Recognition

25 Jun 2020

This Accounting Alert is issued to highlight key aspects of PFRS 15, Revenue from Contracts with Customers, that are expected to be particularly relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 Accounting Considerations for CFOs: Government Grants

16 Jun 2020

This Accounting Alert is issued to provide guidance in determining the appropriate accounting treatment for government grants.

IASB Amends IFRS 16 to Provide Relief for Lessees Accounting for Rent Concessions during the COVID-19 Pandemic

03 Jun 2020

This Accounting Alert is issued to summarize the amendments to IFRS 16 issued by the IASB on May 28, 2020 to help lessees account for COVID-19-related rent concessions such as rent holidays and temporary rent reductions.