Reduction in Reserve Requirements

03 Apr 2020

This accounting alert provides a summary of Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) Circular No. 1082 for the reduction in the reserve requirement ratios of deposit and deposit substitutes.

Application of IFRS 9 in Light of the Coronavirus Uncertainty

01 Apr 2020

This accounting alert is issued to highlight the requirements within IFRS 9, Financial Instruments, that are relevant for companies considering how the pandemic affects their accounting for expected credit losses (ECL).

Guidelines for Filing of Reports through Electronic Mail with the SEC during ECQ Period

01 Apr 2020

This accounting alert circulates the guidelines that should be observed by companies submitting reports, applications, compliance, requests and other documents via email to the SEC.

COVID-19 Outbreak: Accounting Implications

01 Apr 2020

As COVID-19 becomes more widespread and with uncertainties it brings as to the extent of its impact to the business sector, it is important that management considers the accounting implications of the outbreak, including its impact on the preparation of the entity’s financial statements.

[UPDATE] Regulatory Relief for Entities Regulated by the Insurance Commission

30 Mar 2020

This accounting alert circulates new issuances by the Insurance Commission (IC) on extension of the deadline of filing of required reports.