Updated filing guidelines for BIR Forms 1604C, 1604F and 1604E; submission of BIR Form 2316 without employee signature shall be accepted

02 Feb 2021

This Tax Alert is issued to inform all concerned taxpayers on the clarifications of certain issues and concerns in the filing of BIR Form Nos. 1604C, 1604F and 1604E and submission of BIR Form 2316 to the BIR.

Deadline of filing and submission of BIR Forms 1604C and 1604F, together with annual alphalist of employees/payee, and quarterly alphalist of payees, extended to February 28, 2021

29 Jan 2021

This Tax Alert is issued to inform all concerned on the extension of deadline of filing and submission of BIR Forms 1604C and 1604F and certain alphalist attachments.

Availability of new Alphalist Data Entry and Validation Module (Version 7.0)

13 Jan 2021

This Tax Alert is issued to inform all concerned on the availability of the new Alphalist Data Entry and Validation Module (Version 7.0).

Clarifications on the suspension of enlisting and delisting of Large Taxpayers

13 Jan 2021

This Tax Alert is issued to inform all concerned on the guidelines on the suspension of enlisting and delisting of Large Taxpayers by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR).

Streamlined process on the application for registration of CAS/CBA

13 Jan 2021

This Tax Alert is issued to inform all concerned on the following streamlined procedures in the application for registration of Computerized Accounting System (CAS), Computerized Books of Accounts (CBA) and/or its components, including Electronic Storage System (ESS), Middleware and other similar systems.