Year-end tax compliance and other reportorial reminder

10 Jan 2020

This Tax Alert is issued to remind all concerned on the year-end tax compliance requirements, as follows:

Submission of Sworn Declaration of Inventory by all Gasoline Stations

08 Jan 2020

This Tax Alert is issued to inform all concerned on the additional submission required for all gasoline stations in relation to the BIR’s Fuel Marking Program.

Update on the inclusion of taxpayers as top withholding agents (TWAs)

07 Jan 2020

This Tax Alert is issued to inform all concerned on the clarifications pertaining to the inclusion of taxpayers as top withholding agents (TWAs) who are required to withhold 1% and 2% on purchases of goods and services, respectively.

Availability of enhanced BIR Forms 1601-EQ and new 1602Q

06 Jan 2020

This Tax Alert is issued to inform all concerned on the newly issued BIR Form 1602Q and enhanced BIR Form 1601-EQ, in relation to the implementation of the TRAIN Law (RA 10963).

New List of Additional and Delisted Top Withholding Agents

17 Dec 2019

This Tax Alert is issued to inform all concerned on the publication of BIR’s supplementary lists of additional and delisted Top Withholding Agents last December 16, 2019.