Additional qualifications for accredited printers

07 Jun 2016

This Tax Alert is issued to inform all concerned that additional policies in the accreditation of printers engaged in the printing services of official receipts, sales invoices and other commercial receipt and/or invoices are newly provided.

Application for PEZA VAT zero rating by email

26 Apr 2016

This Tax Alert is issued to remind all PEZA registered enterprises/ecozone developers/operators (PEZA enterprises) that issuance of VAT Zero rating certifications are to be filed through e-mail to further ease doing business with PEZA.

Revised policies on the execution of waivers

26 Apr 2016

This Tax Alert is issued to inform taxpayers of the revised procedures and policies for the proper execution of waivers from the defense of prescription pursuant to Section 222 of the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) of 1997 is revised. The revised policies aim to address rampant practice by taxpayers of contesting the validity of their own waivers after having availed of the benefits thereof.

Disclosure of other income of individuals suspended for 2015

07 Apr 2016

This Tax Alert is issued to inform all concerned that the requirement for individuals to disclose other income is suspended for the 2015 annual income tax return (ITR) due on or before April 15, 2016. Unless further deferred, this will be mandatory for the 2016 ITR (BIR Forms 1700 and 1701). Hence, taxpayers are advised to demand from their payors, and properly document their BIR Form No. 2306 and other pieces of evidence for amount of income and final taxes withheld or paid. Please access the link below for copy of the RMC.

Additional/alternative documentary requirements on application for BIR registration

04 Apr 2016

This Tax Alert is issued to inform all concerned on the updated list of documentary requirements on application for registration of individuals and juridical entities with the BIR. Below are some of the additional or alternative documents prescribed in the amended Annex A of RMC 7-2012.