Further clarification on the coverage of 20% CWT on interest income

02 Jan 2013

You would recall that under RR 14-2012, a 20% creditable withholding tax (CWT) was imposed on interest income from all other debt instruments which do not fall within the coverage of “deposit substitutes”. In RMC 77-2012, the BIR clarified that the 20% CWT covers all interest income payment made beginning November 23, 2012 irrespective of when the instruments or securities were issued.

Suspension of BIR field operations from Dec 17 to Jan 4

20 Dec 2012

All field audit and other field operations of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) relative to examinations and verifications of taxpayers’ books of accounts, records and other transactions shall be suspended from December 17, 2012 to January 4, 2013, except in the following cases:

Minimum public ownership rule for stock transaction tax

10 Dec 2012

All publicly-listed companies must have at least 10% public float or the minimum public ownership (MPO) as required by the Securities and Exchange Commission or Philippine Stock Exchange, whichever is higher, to enjoy the preferential tax rate of one half of one percent tax on gross selling price on sale of stocks listed and traded through the local stock exchange under Section 127(A) of the Tax Code.

New 20% CWT on other interest income

12 Nov 2012

A 20% creditable withholding tax (CWT) shall apply on interest income from all other debt instruments which do not fall within the coverage of “deposit substitutes” or the enumeration below paid or payable to persons residing in the Philippines . This has been added as a new subsection (Y) under Sec. 2.57.2 of RR 2-98. Pursuant to Sec. 2.57.4, the withholding tax is due when the interest is paid or payable or is accrued or recorded as an expense in the books of the payor.

Clarifications on the tax treatment of financial instruments

12 Nov 2012

The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) has clarified the following provisions of Revenue Regulations No. 14-2012 on the tax treatment of interest income on certain financial instruments