Past Event: Thursday, June 8, 2023

Pursuant to the TRAIN Law, a further reduction of personal income taxes took effect last January 1, 2023. This would effectively give rise to the government’s need to source funds from other means to defray government spendings. To respond to the effects of the pandemic and lowering of income tax rates in 2023, the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) is expected to hasten its collection efforts by conducting tax assessments. Hence, taxpayers must prepare for the possibility of more BIR audits in the future. 

Furthermore, to stay on top of the various issuances that affect the field of taxation, taxpayers need to equip themselves with the latest tax developments to properly and timely fulfill their obligation of paying taxes.

This free webinar is aimed to inform taxpayers of the different stages of the tax assessment process and provide reminders on how to handle BIR assessments effectively. In addition, we will discuss new issuances in taxation promulgated by the BIR, and relevant Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) and Supreme Court (SC) decisions. Among these updates are salient developments on the fiscal incentives afforded to Registered Business Enterprises (RBEs) as well as changes in tax rules applicable beginning January 1, 2023. 

Featured Speakers

Edward D. Roguel
Partner, Tax Advisory & Compliance; Japan Desk Leader

Wowie has been in public accounting since he started his professional career in 1995. He represents clients in tax cases before the BIR and the DOF, addresses queries on tax and other corporate concerns, and handles registration matters and other requirements for doing business in the Philippines. He also conducts research on issues affecting individual and corporate taxpayers.

Atty. Kim M. Aranas
Director, Tax Advisory & Compliance

Atty. Kim has extensive experience with corporate registrations and dissolution proceedings before various government agencies. Throughout his career, he has provided clients with assistance on tax assessments pertaining to property transfers, conduct of legal due diligence, and high-level tax compliance and transfer pricing. He is also a valuable resource speaker for numerous accounting and business-related organizations.


Atty. Olivier D. Aznar
Vice Chairman and Deputy Managing Partner

A certified public accountant and a lawyer, Vier has been in public accounting since he passed the CPA licensure examination of 1999. He conducts tax compliance and due diligence reviews, handles Court of Tax Appeals litigation support services, and provides advisory services on issues affecting individual and corporate taxpayers. He also assists clients with their tax assessments and compliance requirements with various regulatory agencies.


Atty. Ma. Jessica A. Guevarra
Manager, Tax Advisory and Compliance

Atty. Jessica has an extensive experience in corporate registration and deregistration. She also renders opinions involving different tax implications that affect business transactions of local and multinational companies and assists clients in securing the necessary tax clearances and BIR rulings, registration documents from various government agencies including the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), and the necessary permits for computerized accounting systems.