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From Where We Sit

Have you risen?

It was great having a long weekend without any plans. My only goal over that period was to spend quality time with my loved ones. We planned our days one day at a time: be it just a short trip to the nearest province or to go to church to attend a service, we just enjoyed being together. These are moments I really treasure.

One of the things that our family did was to watch the movie “Risen.” It was a great reminder of the sacrifice Jesus had made because of God’s love to humankind.

In the Philippines, most people are aware of the reason for the holidays that we just celebrated—the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. While pondering on this beautiful occasion, I was reminded of the impact of this event on each one of us. As a believer in Christ, I really thank God for His love for us, that He gave His one and only Son for our redemption. Jesus died, but He rose again.

The holidays also gave me time to reflect on my life and on how I can relate to Jesus’ resurrection. I specifically reflected on how I have risen above the difficult situations in my life. The first challenge that I could think of was when I was given a chance to handle an expanded role at P&A Grant Thornton. Initially I had to get the support of group heads, who were then reporting to one of the Firm’s founders but would suddenly have to report to me, a manager.

Although this happened many years ago, I can still vividly remember the struggle I faced. Getting their cooperation was not easy, especially since these group heads have been with the Firm much ahead of me. Giving up, however, is not in my DNA. I always believe that things can change and all will be well. The support and trust of my superiors were one of the anchors that I held on to. At the end of the day, it turned out well.

The second challenge was when I had a medical condition that required me to undergo surgery. I do not fear death for I believe in God’s promise that to be absent in the body is to be present with the Lord. When I die, I will be present with the Lord, which is not bad at all. Thankfully, God allowed me to fully recover and live a healthier and better life. I learned a lot from that chapter of my life, particularly on how to take care of myself. It opened my eyes to the idea that one of the best investments that I could make was in my health. Like any other investment, the earlier you invest, the more benefits you will get; not only for you, but for your family and for your workplace as well.

The third challenge is how to rise above a new role that we have not taken on before. In my former role, I only dealt with the Firm’s management. My new role, however, required me to venture outside the Firm and deal with leaders of other companies. I had to go out and seek clients. I am an introvert, at least that was what I thought then, so I was anxious about going out and meeting other people. It did not help that I thought I was not fully equipped to handle the new task. Nevertheless, I accepted the challenge. My mindset at that time was that, if this is not for me, then at least I gave it a try. Regardless of the outcome, I will not regret anything.

Fortunately, I found out that I enjoy being with people. I like meeting prospective clients. I am not afraid to mingle with other professionals. In fact, I treasure all the friends I am gaining through my new role. I would not have discovered these things if I did not accept the challenge of being in a role that I thought I would not be comfortable with.

These are some of the experiences from which I was able to rise above. I strongly believe that, as we live on this earth, there are difficult situations and attendant fears that we need to overcome. I would have not known that I could emerge successfully from such experiences if I did not accept the challenges they presented at the onset.
Every one of us has challenges to face. Whether we are professionals, entrepreneurs, employees, or students, we have situations or challenges that we need to face. It is important that we have the right mindset. We should not give up. Always be positive that you will rise up. In my experience, the joy of rising above the challenges is something I cherish. I learned so much from those experiences that further help me to take on bigger challenges.
In any endeavor, there will always be challenges. The absence of challenges may render our organizations obsolete or irrelevant. As business professionals, we must keep innovating through the many challenges presented to us. Even before a new challenge presents itself, we must anticipate it and be ready with a solution. I have heard stories of businesses that were created due to the challenges faced by the company. Instead of thinking that challenges are threats or problems, let us transform them into opportunities. Let us have the right mindset. From what I have been through, I can say that the joy of rising above those challenges is something that I cherish. I learned so much from those experiences that further help me to take on bigger challenges.
Rise up to whatever challenges you are facing right now. Nothing should stop you from rising.

Paz Malubay is a partner at P&A Grant Thornton. She is also the EVP & managing director for Payroll of P&A Grant Thornton Outsourcing, Inc. P&A Grant Thornton is one of the leading audit, tax, advisory and outsourcing firms in the Philippines, with 21 partners and over 900 staff members. For your comments, please email or For more information about P&A Grant Thornton, visit our website


As published in The Manila Times, dated 04 April 2018