Transfer pricing rules for manufacturers
Let's Talk TP Transfer pricing rules for manufacturers
Foreign investors look at the Philippines as one of the most preferred destinations in South Asia for offshore manufacturing due to low labor cost, large and young labor pool, manufacturing capabilities, high English proficiency, and fiscal incentives, to name a few.
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Factors affecting arm’s length price or profit
Let's Talk TP Factors affecting arm’s length price or profit
The main objective of a benchmarking analysis in a Transfer Pricing Documentation (TPD) is to determine the arm’s length range of price or return.
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BIR’s transfer pricing audit history
Let's Talk TP BIR’s transfer pricing audit history
In our previous article “BIR transfer pricing audits - the next wave?”, we have looked into Revenue Audit Memorandum Order (RAMO) No. 1-19 which is the current regulation set by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) when it comes to Transfer Pricing (TP) audits. The RAMO explained in detail how will the BIR conduct its audit of related party transactions.
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Capitalizing the 4Cs of a TP benchmarking analysis
Let's Talk TP Capitalizing the 4Cs of a TP benchmarking analysis
If transfer pricing documentation (TPD) were a movie, the benchmarking analysis would be the plot. A well-crafted plot bears weight on the quality of a movie as much as a well-prepared benchmarking analysis bears weight on the quality of a TPD.
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BIR transfer pricing audits - the next wave?
Let's Talk TP BIR transfer pricing audits - the next wave?
The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and the Department of Finance (DOF) have expressed a shared goal to increase taxes collected as a percentage of GDP of 14.6% in 2022 to 17.1% by 2028. They confidently expect to meet this goal as it will be driven primarily by economic growth and by offering taxpayers convenience through tax digitalization programs. While it is accurate to claim that the BIR will derive more revenues with a stronger economy and by providing more convenient avenues for taxpayers to pay their dues, taxpayers know well what this means – an upsurge of BIR assessments across all industries.
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Refresher on minimum Philippine TP requirements
Let's Talk TP Refresher on minimum Philippine TP requirements
With all the continued merriments and celebrations spilled over, from the Christmas holidays to other celebrations such as the feast of the Black Nazarene, Sinulog Festival, and the Chinese New Year, it is finally the last day of January 2023. Accountants and auditors alike would surely be thankful that January, for what seemed like an eternity, is over. Finally, a fraction of the tax season is over, and we survived so far. But it doesn’t stop there. Before we get tied up with the finalization of audited financial statements and income tax returns for the year thus ended, it is equally important to focus on the reportorial requirements of taxpayers in terms of transfer pricing (TP).
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