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P&A Grant Thornton News

Españo named Outstanding Accountancy Professional

P&A Grant Thornton Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer Marivic Españo was conferred the 2021 Outstanding Professional of the Year in the field of Accountancy by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC).

She received the award at PRC's 2020 Awards Ceremony entitled "The Outstanding Professional: Shining Light Amidst the Challenges of Time".

The prestigious award was given by the Commission as recommended by a distinguished panel of judges to Ms. Españo or fulfilling the criteria of exemplifying professional competence and integrity of the highest degree, for her contributions to the advancement of the Accountancy profession and her contribution and participation in socio-related activities.

As a recognized expert in fields such as strategy, management, business process improvement, professional accounting services and taxation, she has exhibited impeccable leadership and excellence throughout her professional career.

She steered P&A Grant Thornton (Punongbayan and Araullo) to remarkable levels of growth, being its Chief Executive Officer since 2011. Her leadership skills are also recognized within the Grant Thornton network of member firms. She was elected as board governor of Grant Thornton International Ltd (GTIL) from 2015 to 2019.

Ms. Españo is actively involved in various business organizations. Her stints include being the former President of Financial Executives Institute of the Philippines (FINEX) in 2019, current Board Trustee in the Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD) and the Shareholders' Association of the Philippines, and Board Governor and treasurer of the Management Association of the Philippines (MAP).

A Certified Public Accountant, she served various positions in the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA), including the 2017 Chairmanship of the Metro Manila Region and national director for several terms. She is a regular speaker and resource person in PICPA conferences, seminars and other events.

Ms. Españo has been recognized by PICPA as the Most Outstanding CPA in Public Practice in 2011. Together with Ben Punongbayan and Dally Duque, she co-authored the book published by P&A Foundation entitled "New Accounting Standards and Income Tax Reporting: A Study of Differences", which won the Anvil Award of Merit in 2008 and was bestowed the Outstanding Authors Award by PICPA Foundation in 2018."


As published in BusinessWorld, dated 11 January 2021