Coming Full Circle: Aida's Journey with P&A Grant Thornton

Aida's career journey has come full circle at P&A Grant Thornton.

“When I saw a posting for P&A Grant Thornton’s Finance Department, I jumped at the opportunity. Starting directly as a Junior Staff for Finance, I immediately fell in love with the hectic yet supportive environment, akin to family. With the nature of my position, filing for OT hours every other week was inevitable: but these long hours flew by with my team at my side. Without noticing, I’ve worked for our Purple Tribe for 5 years, until I got pregnant with my child. This was the time when I decided to resign for my baby and apply for a job closer to home when the time was right.

When I felt ready to work again, I spent months searching for an office that would appeal to me, just as P&A did. However, none of the offices I applied to drew me in. That’s when my  finance director, Miss Elda Angeles, offered me the chance to go back to our dear Firm, in a position that was more appropriate for my transition to life as a mother.

Now, after 20 years and counting with the Purple Tribe, no day feels stagnant, as every day gives us opportunities to Go Beyond in our own way. I even recently attended a program in partnership with FINEX, the Emerging Finance Leadership Program. While I’m still a reserved person by nature, having opportunities to advance my career, and pass down these lessons to my staff was a great experience.

 I’m looking forward to more years with the Purple Tribe!”