Planting for the Future, Reaping Change One at a Time: Ephraim on going beyond his sustainability efforts

Ephraim Mosquera continues to create ripples of change towards sustainability, both within the Firm and beyond. 


"Now, define sustainability in your own words," asked Sir Lucky, my hiring manager, as one of the defining questions of my interview to get into P&A Grant Thornton. 

At the time, I had a vague understanding of what sustainability meant: even during my time as a student, I understood that the kind of future we’d have was determined by our actions. Little did I know just how much significance, depth, and weight this word carries. Coming home from the interview that same day, I began to look into our sustainability services and found that it was more than just protecting the environment; it traverses topics such as human rights, education, and diversity.

It’s a canon event for every accounting student: you tell yourself that after graduating and taking the board exam that you won’t end up in a repetitive job that you often hear horror stories about. Now, I’m lucky to have found my purpose here at the Firm, where every day feels like I really am making a difference as one of the first few members of P&A Grant Thornton’s Sustainability Committee.

As an associate consultant, not only do I help clients realize their sustainability goals—I also play a part in our Firm’s internal initiatives as the point person of the P&A Grassroots Action for Sustainable Advancement, or P&AGASA. As one of the five pillars of sustainability, P&AGASA aims to enrich communities in a responsible and Earth-friendly manner. I find it admirable that we help communities flourish in the long run through eco-conscious ways rather than simply providing short-term solutions.

Everyone, sustainability isn't just a buzzword. It should be a paradigm shift in a way that our day-to-day lifestyles would change for the better. Our role in building a more vibrant future doesn’t end with the work we do here at the office; it should be ingrained in the fabric of our existence. Let’s ensure that we leave a thriving earth for future generations to witness while still meeting our own needs."