Audit approach overview
Our audit approach will allow our client's accounting personnel to make the maximum contribution to the audit effort without compromising their ongoing responsibilities
Annual and short period audit
At P&A Grant Thornton, we provide annual and short period financial statement audit services that go beyond the normal expectations of our clients. We believe strongly that our best work comes from combining outstanding technical expertise, knowledge and ability with exceptional client-focused service.
Review engagement
A review involves limited investigation with a narrower scope than an audit, and is undertaken for the purpose of providing limited assurance that the management’s representations are in accordance with identified financial reporting standards. Our professionals recognize that in order to conduct a quality financial statement review, it is important to look beyond the accounting entries to the underlying activities and operations that give rise to them.
Other Related Services
We make it a point to keep our clients abreast of the developments and updates relating to the growing complexities in the accounting world. We offer seminars and trainings on audit- and tax-related matters, such as updates on Accounting Standards, new pronouncements and Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) issuances, as well as other developments that affect our clients’ businesses.
Tax advisory
With our knowledge of tax laws and audit procedures, we help safeguard the substantive and procedural rights of taxpayers and prevent unwarranted assessments.
Tax compliance
We aim to minimize the impact of taxation, enabling you to maximize your potential savings and to expand your business.
Corporate services
For clients that want to do business in the Philippines, we assist in determining the appropriate and tax-efficient operating business or investment vehicle and structure to address the objectives of the investor, as well as related incorporation issues.
Tax education and advocacy
Our advocacy work focuses on clarifying the interpretation of laws and regulations, suggesting measures to increasingly ease tax compliance, and protecting taxpayer’s rights.
Business risk services
Our business risk services cover a wide range of solutions that assist you in identifying, addressing and monitoring risks in your business. Such solutions include external quality assessments of your Internal Audit activities' conformance with standards as well as evaluating its readiness for such an external assessment.
Business consulting services
Our business consulting services are aimed at addressing concerns in your operations, processes and systems. Using our extensive knowledge of various industries, we can take a close look at your business processes as we create solutions that can help you mitigate risks to meet your objectives, promote efficiency, and beef up controls.
Transaction services
Transaction advisory includes all of our services specifically directed at assisting in investment, mergers and acquisitions, and financing transactions between and among businesses, lenders and governments. Such services include, among others, due diligence reviews, project feasibility studies, financial modelling, model audits and valuation.
Forensic advisory
Our forensic advisory services include assessing your vulnerability to fraud and identifying fraud risk factors, and recommending practical solutions to eliminate the gaps. We also provide investigative services to detect and quantify fraud and corruption and to trace assets and data that may have been lost in a fraud event.
Cyber advisory
Our focus is to help you identify and manage the cyber risks you might be facing within your organization. Our team can provide detailed, actionable insight that incorporates industry best practices and standards to strengthen your cybersecurity position and help you make informed decisions.
ProActive Hotline
Providing support in preventing and detecting fraud by creating a safe and secure whistleblowing system to promote integrity and honesty in the organisation.
Accounting services
At P&A Grant Thornton, we handle accounting services for several companies from a wide range of industries. Our approach is highly flexible. You may opt to outsource all your accounting functions, or pass on to us choice activities.
Staff augmentation services
We offer Staff Augmentation services where our staff, under the direction and supervision of the company’s officers, perform accounting and accounting-related work.
Payroll Processing
Payroll processing services are provided by P&A Grant Thornton Outsourcing Inc. More and more companies are beginning to realize the benefits of outsourcing their noncore activities, and the first to be outsourced is usually the payroll function. Payroll is easy to carve out from the rest of the business since it is usually independent of the other activities or functions within the Accounting Department.
Our values
Grant Thornton prides itself on being a values-driven organisation and we have more than 38,500 people in over 130 countries who are passionately committed to these values.
Global culture
Our people tell us that our global culture is one of the biggest attractions of a career with Grant Thornton.
Learning & development
At Grant Thornton we believe learning and development opportunities allow you to perform at your best every day. And when you are at your best, we are the best at serving our clients
Global talent mobility
One of the biggest attractions of a career with Grant Thornton is the opportunity to work on cross-border projects all over the world.
Diversity helps us meet the demands of a changing world. We value the fact that our people come from all walks of life and that this diversity of experience and perspective makes our organisation stronger as a result.
In the community
Many Grant Thornton member firms provide a range of inspirational and generous services to the communities they serve.
Behind the Numbers: People of P&A Grant Thornton
Discover the inspiring stories of the individuals who make up our vibrant community. From seasoned veterans to fresh faces, the Purple Tribe is a diverse team united by a shared passion.
Fresh Graduates
Fresh Graduates
Whether you are starting your career as a graduate or school leaver, P&A Grant Thornton can give you a flying start. We are ambitious. Take the fact that we’re the world’s fastest-growing global accountancy organisation. For our people, that means access to a global organisation and the chance to collaborate with more than 40,000 colleagues around the world. And potentially work in different countries and experience other cultures.
Experienced hires
P&A Grant Thornton offers something you can't find anywhere else. This is the opportunity to develop your ideas and thinking while having your efforts recognised from day one. We value the skills and knowledge you bring to Grant Thornton as an experienced professional and look forward to supporting you as you grow you career with our organisation.
P&A Grant Thornton
1988年Benjamin R. Punongbayan と Jose G. Araulloによって設立。
現在は、Chairman & CEO であるRomualdo "Boyet" Murcia の元、フィリピンTOP4規模の会計会社として、主にフィリピン企業の顧客を始め、外国企業のフィリピン進出増加と共に、日系企業へのサービスの提供にも力を入れています。
2024年現在、約1,500名の従業員(うち29名パートナー)によって構成されており、インターナショナルファームの一つである、Grant Thornton (グラントソントン)と提携し、そのノウハウを生かしながら、クオリティの高いサービスを、大手顧客から、ミッドサイズ、外国企業、スタートアップ企業まで幅広い顧客層へ提供しています。
P&A Grant Thornton ジャパンデスク
Services 主なサービスライン
Audit and Assurance 監査、保証サービス
- 財務諸表監査
- レビュー業務
- 機能通貨変更
Tax Advisory and Compliance 税務コンプライアンス
- コンプライアンスレビュー
- 税務調査対応
- 駐在員確定申告
- 移転価格文書作成
Corporate Services コーポレートサービス
- 税務意見書
- コーポレートリストラクチャリング
- 会社設立、PEZA等税務優遇機関登録
- 増資・減資手続
- 租税条約申請
Advisory Services アドバイザリーサービス
- M&A サポート
- 市場調査
- デューデリジェンス業務
- 内部統制
- ビジネスレビュー業務
- デジタルトランスフォーメーション
Business Process Solutions ビジネスプロセスソリューション
- 記帳代行
- 給与計算代行
- 経理派遣
Seminars セミナー講師実績
- 日本人商工会議所(マニラ、セブ)
- 工業団地
- 日系金融機関クライアント親会社向け(東京、大阪)
Seminar Topics セミナートピック
- フィリピン会計税務
- 海外子会社管理
- 経営管理
- 税務調査
- 移転価格
- 駐在員確定申告
Articles and Publications 執筆、寄稿活動 (バックナンバーはこちら)
- 連載:工場長が企業経営者になったら(フィリピン日本人商工会議所月報)
- 金融機関会員向け会計税務解説