We help you identify the opportunities and pitfalls  that can significantly affect your bottom line. Whatever you need, we are well-equipped to provide you with innovative yet practical solutions to minimize your tax exposure by means of legitimate tax planning and regular updates on the changing taxation system.

We aim to minimize the impact of taxation, enabling you to maximize your potential savings and to expand your business.

Our Tax Advisory and Compliance Division provides:

  • Tax advisory
  • Tax compliance
  • Corporate services
  • Tax education and advocacy

Our Tax Advisory and Compliance

Tax advisory

With our knowledge of tax laws and audit procedures, we help safeguard the substantive and procedural rights of taxpayers and prevent unwarranted assessments.

Tax compliance

We aim to minimize the impact of taxation, enabling you to maximize your potential savings and to expand your business.

Corporate services

For clients that want to do business in the Philippines, we assist in determining the appropriate and tax-efficient operating business or investment vehicle and structure to address the objectives of the investor, as well as related incorporation issues.

Tax education and advocacy

Our advocacy work focuses on clarifying the interpretation of laws and regulations, suggesting measures to increasingly ease tax compliance, and protecting taxpayer’s rights.

Atty. Olivier D. Aznar
Vice Chairman and Deputy Managing Partner
Atty. Olivier D. Aznar

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