
Q: When is the effectivity date of the regulation?

A: July 16, 2022

Q: Who is covered by the regulation?

A: a. Taxpayers who are using the principal and supplementary receipts/invoices

    b. Taxpayers with or who will apply for:

  • Authority to Print (ATP),
  • Registration of Computerized Accounting System (CAS) or Computerized Books of Accounts (CBA), and
  • Permit to Use (PTU), Cash Register Machines (CRM), and Point-of-Sale (POS) Machines.

Q: Can we use the expired but unused receipts/invoices with a validity date of on or before July 15, 2022?

A: No. Only receipts/invoices issued last July 17, 2022, with an expiration date of July 16, 2022, and onwards can be used.

Invoices, with an expiration date of on or before July 15, 2022, shall be surrendered for destruction together with an inventory listing to the RDO where the Head Office or Branch is registered on or before the 10th day after the validity period.

Q: Can the taxpayer still use the receipts/invoices with existing ATP expiring or after July 16, 2022?

A: Yes, they can still be used. The phrase “This invoice/receipt shall be valid for five (5) years from the date of the ATP” and the “Validity Period” shall be disregarded.

Q: What are the consequences if the taxpayer will use the receipts/invoices that expired before July 15, 2022?

A: The taxpayer can be subjected to a penalty amounting to P20,000 for the first offense and P50,000 for the second offense.

Q: How does the regulation affect the accreditation of the registered CRM/POS, CAS, and their components?

A: The phrases “This invoice/receipt shall be valid for five years (5) from the date of the permit to use”, “Valid until (mm/dd/yyy)”, and "This invoice/receipt shall be valid for five (5) years from the date of the acknowledgment" shall no longer be reflected.

The CRM/POS and/or CAS and other machines generating receipts/invoices shall be reconfigured until December 31, 2022.

Please be guided accordingly.



P&A Grant Thornton

Certified Public Accountants

P&A Grant Thornton is the Philippine member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd.


As published in SunStar Cebu, dated 06 September 2022