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Accounting Alert

Amendments to Foreign Exchange Regulations Covering Reporting Guidelines and Penalty Provisions

This Accounting Alert is issued to circulate the amendments issued by the Monetary Board to the provisions of the Manual of Regulations on Foreign Exchange Transactions (FX Manual, issued under Circular No. 64-5 dated 13 February 2009, as amended).

The Amendments

Some of the major amendments are as follows:

  • Accounting for bonds and other certificates of indebtedness - That bonds or other certificates of indebtedness issued by a third party as well as shares of stocks and other properties acquired as a result of restructuring/other payment scheme shall be accounted for in accordance with Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRS) 9 (formerly under PAS 39).
  • Supervisory enforcement actions - Non-submission, delayed and/or erroneous submission of report by a bank shall be subject to the monetary penalties under Section 102 of the FX Manual. The amount of penalties will depend on whether report is classified erroneous, delayed, erroneous and delayed, and unsubmitted.
  • Reporting requirements for derivative transactions - Banks duly authorized to engage in derivatives transactions shall continue to be covered by the BSP's existing reporting requirements on financial derivatives. Cancellations, roll-overs or non-delivery of deliverable foreign exchange forward contracts and under the forward leg of swap contracts shall be reported electronically in Excel and Portable Document Format to the BSP not later than five (5) banking days from end of reference month using the prescribed format in Annex L of the FX Manual.

Swap contracts with counterparties involving purchase of foreign exchange by banks at the initial leg shall likewise be reported electronically in Excel and Portable Document Format to the BSP not later than five (5) banking days from end of reference month using the prescribed format in Annex M of the FX Manual.

The reporting entities shall have until December 31, 2024 to make the necessary preparations and adjustments to their systems and processes to ensure compliance with the reporting guidelines stated in the Circular. This transitory period shall be treated as an observation period to give reporting entities reasonable amount of time prior to full implementation in January 2025.


The Circular shall take effect 15 banking days after its publication either in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines.


Please see attached circular for further details. 

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