We deliver value-added audit and assurance services to our clients, helping them manage their fiscal responsibilities with prudence and foresight.
Audit approach overview
Our audit approach will allow our client's accounting personnel to make the maximum contribution to the audit effort without compromising their ongoing responsibilities
Annual and short period audit
At P&A Grant Thornton, we provide annual and short period financial statement audit services that go beyond the normal expectations of our clients. We believe strongly that our best work comes from combining outstanding technical expertise, knowledge and ability with exceptional client-focused service.
Review engagement
A review involves limited investigation with a narrower scope than an audit, and is undertaken for the purpose of providing limited assurance that the management’s representations are in accordance with identified financial reporting standards. Our professionals recognize that in order to conduct a quality financial statement review, it is important to look beyond the accounting entries to the underlying activities and operations that give rise to them.
Other Related Services
We make it a point to keep our clients abreast of the developments and updates relating to the growing complexities in the accounting world. We offer seminars and trainings on audit- and tax-related matters, such as updates on Accounting Standards, new pronouncements and Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) issuances, as well as other developments that affect our clients’ businesses.
We help you identify the opportunities and pitfalls that can significantly affect your...
Tax advisory
With our knowledge of tax laws and audit procedures, we help safeguard the substantive and procedural rights of taxpayers and prevent unwarranted assessments.
Tax compliance
We aim to minimize the impact of taxation, enabling you to maximize your potential savings and to expand your business.
Corporate services
For clients that want to do business in the Philippines, we assist in determining the appropriate and tax-efficient operating business or investment vehicle and structure to address the objectives of the investor, as well as related incorporation issues.
Tax education and advocacy
Our advocacy work focuses on clarifying the interpretation of laws and regulations, suggesting measures to increasingly ease tax compliance, and protecting taxpayer’s rights.
We believe there is an optimal solution to every business challenge.
Using our Firm's breadth and depth of specialized expertise, we work with you to find...
Business risk services
Our business risk services cover a wide range of solutions that assist you in identifying, addressing and monitoring risks in your business. Such solutions include external quality assessments of your Internal Audit activities' conformance with standards as well as evaluating its readiness for such an external assessment.
Business consulting services
Our business consulting services are aimed at addressing concerns in your operations, processes and systems. Using our extensive knowledge of various industries, we can take a close look at your business processes as we create solutions that can help you mitigate risks to meet your objectives, promote efficiency, and beef up controls.
Transaction services
Transaction advisory includes all of our services specifically directed at assisting in investment, mergers and acquisitions, and financing transactions between and among businesses, lenders and governments. Such services include, among others, due diligence reviews, project feasibility studies, financial modelling, model audits and valuation.
Forensic advisory
Our forensic advisory services include assessing your vulnerability to fraud and identifying fraud risk factors, and recommending practical solutions to eliminate the gaps. We also provide investigative services to detect and quantify fraud and corruption and to trace assets and data that may have been lost in a fraud event.
Cyber advisory
Our focus is to help you identify and manage the cyber risks you might be facing within your organization. Our team can provide detailed, actionable insight that incorporates industry best practices and standards to strengthen your cybersecurity position and help you make informed decisions.
ProActive Hotline
Providing support in preventing and detecting fraud by creating a safe and secure whistleblowing system to promote integrity and honesty in the organisation.
We provide solid, first-rate support for your key accounting and administrative activities, such as outsourced accounting, payroll, and accounting-related...
Accounting services
At P&A Grant Thornton, we handle accounting services for several companies from a wide range of industries. Our approach is highly flexible. You may opt to outsource all your accounting functions, or pass on to us choice activities.
Staff augmentation services
We offer Staff Augmentation services where our staff, under the direction and supervision of the company’s officers, perform accounting and accounting-related work.
Payroll Processing
Payroll processing services are provided by P&A Grant Thornton Outsourcing Inc. More and more companies are beginning to realize the benefits of outsourcing their noncore activities, and the first to be outsourced is usually the payroll function. Payroll is easy to carve out from the rest of the business since it is usually independent of the other activities or functions within the Accounting Department.
Japan Desk
With our unique culture and opportunities, our organisation is a place where you can grow. Wherever you are in your career, we help you to make a difference...
We value each of the 50,000 people in our member firms equally and appreciate every contribution across Grant Thornton.
Our values
Grant Thornton prides itself on being a values-driven organisation and we have more than 38,500 people in over 130 countries who are passionately committed to these values.
Global culture
Our people tell us that our global culture is one of the biggest attractions of a career with Grant Thornton.
Learning & development
At Grant Thornton we believe learning and development opportunities allow you to perform at your best every day. And when you are at your best, we are the best at serving our clients
Global talent mobility
One of the biggest attractions of a career with Grant Thornton is the opportunity to work on cross-border projects all over the world.
Diversity helps us meet the demands of a changing world. We value the fact that our people come from all walks of life and that this diversity of experience and perspective makes our organisation stronger as a result.
In the community
Many Grant Thornton member firms provide a range of inspirational and generous services to the communities they serve.
Behind the Numbers: People of P&A Grant Thornton
Discover the inspiring stories of the individuals who make up our vibrant community. From seasoned veterans to fresh faces, the Purple Tribe is a diverse team united by a shared passion.
If you wish to develop your talents to the fullest and build a fulfilling career, join P&A Grant Thornton, where you will be part of a dynamic...
Fresh Graduates
Fresh Graduates
Whether you are starting your career as a graduate or school leaver, P&A Grant Thornton can give you a flying start. We are ambitious. Take the fact that we’re the world’s fastest-growing global accountancy organisation. For our people, that means access to a global organisation and the chance to collaborate with more than 40,000 colleagues around the world. And potentially work in different countries and experience other cultures.
Experienced hires
P&A Grant Thornton offers something you can't find anywhere else. This is the opportunity to develop your ideas and thinking while having your efforts recognised from day one. We value the skills and knowledge you bring to Grant Thornton as an experienced professional and look forward to supporting you as you grow you career with our organisation.
If you would like to join Grant Thornton, you may have a few questions about our organisation, how we do business, our culture and our global opportunities....
By ensuring that our clients are matched with professionals most familiar with their industry, P&A Grant Thornton aims to provide a seamless onboarding...
Emerging markets and shifting consumer demand are creating new opportunities in food and beverage, with business leaders investing in new products, markets,...
Our vision is to help learning institutions and business organisations go beyond and create powerful learning cultures through technology integration,...
Energy markets worldwide are undergoing major changes. P&A Grant Thornton can help you understand and navigate ensuing challenges and make sure you have the...
Optimism is slowly returning to the global economy, but the financial services industry needs to regain the trust of public and private bodies. To truly go...
Across the globe, not for profit organisations are increasingly expected to deliver more, while at the same time facing cuts in government funding and...
The outsourcing industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in the Philippines. Growth in the industry is at an annual average rate of 20%. The industry is...
Across the globe, countries are moving towards leaner, more commercial, locally focused, and responsive government and public sectors. At P&A Grant Thornton,...
Opportunity and optimism have emerged within the retail estate and construction industry. At P&A Grant Thornton, it’s our goal to help you benefit from these...
At P&A Grant Thornton, we’ll work with you to capitalise on all opportunities, manage the inherent risks the industry has to offer, and provide relevant...
Dynamic businesses need to move with speed and purpose if they want to capitalise on opportunities in hospitality and tourism. At P&A Grant Thornton, we know...
With operational cost, price competition, and currency volatility, pressure on profits continues to pile on retailers. Advancements in e-commerce are also...
Driving Growth
- Great choice! Picking the right technology for your business
- Three tips for finding great suppliers
- #TBT Going, going, gone—the strategic sell
- Fintech: Pitfalls in early-stage fundraising
- Five steps to a successful fundraise in technology
- Shaping digital strategy around the customer journey
- Five steps to more effective debt financing
- Why business culture dictates growth more than strategy
- Finding the right funding partner
- Join the fight against bribery and corruption
- Seven factors that will increase the value of your business
- Outsourcing: Beyond technical expertise
- The next generation isn’t your only succession option
- Protecting your business from cybercrime
- Insourcing versus outsourcing: an intelligent approach
- Life at P&A
Let's Talk Tax
- Notice for Informal Conference
- Heroes of the Philippine tax system
- Leave no room for misinterpretation
- Tax Reform 2017: Relaxing the Bank Secrecy law in cases of tax evasion
- Dear PEZA... Love, unregistered activities
- The importance of due process
- Revised tax reform bill: Pro-poor?
- Hope in pending VAT claims
- The BIR’s 2017 priority programs
- Zones of regulation: Local tax situs in a nutshell
- Taxation of ‘passed-on’ GRT
- New guidelines in securing tax exemption ruling for separation pay
- Dividends and renewing holding companies’ LGU registrations
- Boosting investment in tourism
- How to revolutionize doing business in the Philippines
- A dying tax?
- Don't die rich or you'll get taxed!
- Taking a bypass to a tax reform
- Rethinking the Expanded Withholding Tax System
- 'Issue-based' VAT audits are coming
- Share Acquisition in 2016: Antitrust and Tax Compliance
- Securing ICC made easy
- Suspension of BIR audit lifted: BIR is back to the grind
- SEC on technology corporations
- Exemption of redemption gains under tax treaties
- Implementing TIMTA
- Upholding the Constitutional exemptions of non-stock, non-profit schools
- PERA Law finally to be implemented
- Letting go of too much discretion
- BIR Chief's first order of business: Review previous tax issuances
- Tick, tock, click, file, pay
- Revisiting withholding tax rules on professional fees
- Documenting offsetting arrangements in a tax credit or refund
- Determining market value in tax free exchanges
- Tax planning strategies
- Will the 2016 election be a crossroads for tax reform?
- Are waivers sole responsibility of taxpayers?
- Some things for taxpayers to consider before the elections
- Favorable developments in deficiency and delinquency interest
- BIR Form No. 1606: Establishing the fact of withholding in CWT refund
- Are you ready for the April 15 electronic ITR filing?
- Rethinking Tax: The shift to indirect tax
- Due process in assessment
- Register, file or prison
- Can the BIR’s 5-year plan make an impact?
- Implementing the transfer pricing rules
- Kicking off 2016, the BIR Way
- Tax clearance for government bidding: What’s new?
- Improving the compromise and abatement process
- The unheard voices of Visayas-Mindanao importers
- Supreme Court rules RMC No. 54-2014 applies prospectively by Jean Ross Abenasa-Miso
- Can a defective waiver be valid? by Ma. Lourdes Politado-Aclan
- Renewing business registration
- Limited imposition of deficiency interest by Jennylyn V. Reyes
- A hopeful new year for taxpayers
- Transparency through TIMTA
- Improving the Philippine tax system
- A Tax Reform on the CPA Board Exam Syllabus
- APEC and Philippine taxes for investors
- Administration and compliance are tax reform’s game changers
- Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s
- 2016 ITR filing: Basic reminders
- Rebirth of the tax system
- Simpler tax administration that matters to all taxpayers
- A simple mistake
- Implementing the PWD tax incentives
- Stress-free BIR audits
- Changes in the tax rulings
- Are BIR rulings confidential?
- The 2017 Investment Priorities Plan
- Are you ready for simplified bookkeeping and e-Invoicing?
- Excise tax: ‘Carmageddon’ for the auto industry?
- Is it time to revive the estate tax?
- Reply to PAN and due process
- Tax relief from losses
- Toothless penalty?
- Return of the BIR benchmarking program
- A cry for the reform of the withholding tax system
- Improving the tax refund process
- Tax issues on management fees to foreign corporations
- Revisiting improperly accumulated earnings tax (IAET)
- Like a basketball import, a bargain is not always a good thing
- Imposition of value-added tax on tax-free exchanges
- Handling your tax assessment: DIY or with a tax agent
- How tax-healthy is your company?
- The overlooked part: related party transactions
- Understanding interest on intercompany foreign loans
- Is your company ready for tax reform?
- Let’s keep pace
- To CAS or not to CAS?
- Improving the quality of tax assessments
- Unintentional falsity not a false return
- The benefits of giving
- Year-ender list: Things to keep in mind
- New Year reminders
- The people’s clamor — A loss for a loss
- The TRAIN passes the bicam — what’s in and what’s out?
- Fewer tax returns to file under TRAIN
- Welcoming 2018 with TRAIN
- A promising 2018 with VAT TRAIN
- TRAIN upon death
- Hoping for the best on VAT refunds under TRAIN
- Wish list for tax assessment
- Taxpayers’ prayer on Philippine tax reforms
- Restoration of the Notice of Informal Conference
- Dealing with tax filing advisories
- Revenue Regulations No. 08-2018 for individual taxpayers
- ‘Tap on a keyboard and make a living’
- Tax amnesty to widen the tax net
- Status quo on VAT zero-rating of sales to PEZA entities
- Withholding taxes made easier?
- Amendments on compensation tax
- Taxpayer’s checklist for boarding the TRAIN
- The 8% tax for self-employed individuals
- The 25% surcharge for amended tax returns
- BIR revised guidelines and procedures in registering new businesses
- On TRAIN 2 — Are we excited to board?
- Refunding input VAT upon dissolution or change of VAT status
- Prima facie correctness of a tax assessment: When does it not apply?
- Revisiting irrevocability rules on income tax
- Doing business in the Philippines made easier
- Benefiting through giving
- Are dividends and interest subject to local business tax?
- To withhold or not to withhold: That is the question
- Don’t miss the de minimis
- AMLA guidelines for lawyers, accountants, and certain service providers
- Let's Talk Tax
- Let's Talk Tax
- Taxpayer, are you surprised?
- No derailing TRAIN as Package 2 moves forward
- Tax reform: Single tax rate on investment income?
- Let's Talk Tax
- Proposed amendments to the Corporation Code
- The irrevocability rule and income tax credits carried over to the next quarter
- BIR letter notices: Not enough for a tax assessment
- The rise of POGOs: A new landscape in e-casinos and sports betting
- Can you impose interest on a refund?
- Can BIR rulings be declared void ab initio?
- E-invoicing, electronic sales reporting… and the lottery?
- Handling tax assessments
- Are you happy to withhold?
- Death tax amnesty in our lifetime
- Reminders to top withholding agents
- Annualization of Compensation: What employers need to know
- Tabula Rasa: A clean slate through tax amnesty
- OPCs: A new way of doing business for solo entrepreneurs
- HMO premiums remain tax-free
- Royalties: Active or passive income?
- The truth will set us free: Availing of the proposed general tax amnesty
- The first order of business: Local business tax and real property tax
- Revisiting the TRAIN Law
- Fund-raising through Initial Coin Offering
- Wrapping up your January tax checklist
- Overcoming tax filing predicaments under TRAIN
- How much are we supposed to pay under the amnesty tax?
- The vetoed tax amnesty: Expectations vs reality
- Bank secrecy, the BIR and the Tax Amnesty Law
- Happy compliant selling
- Unverified third-party data in BIR assessments
- Tax treatment of unlisted shares sold for less than fair market value
- Post Clearance Audits: Are you prepared enough?
- Back into the fold
- 2019 ITR filing reminders
- The greatest love story ever told
- 2019 Tax filing season: A reflection
- The parable of the tax collector… and the taxpayer?
- Transfer pricing of shared services
- Taxpayers’ First Quarter Election
- Forgetting the past and moving forward for taxpayers
- Checkpoints on the VAT refund maze
- ITR compliance for expatriates
- Ease of doing business at the BIR
- Weathering the storm of BIR assessments
- Freedom from past tax burdens — a work in progress
- Tax exemption of expat employees under tax treaties
- Urbanization: A challenging future
- Tax Amnesty: The continuing saga
- Carry-over of excess EWT: Now an option
- What’s new in BIR registration for employees
- Royalties, Customs duties and post-clearance audits
- Are they authorized to audit you?
- Here comes PIFITA
- BIR ready to conduct transfer pricing audits
- Not everyone’s option
- Optimistic changes in dividends tax for NRFCs
- Difficult times or best moments ahead?
- Adjusting gears is essential for survival
- A deserved tax break for working mothers
- Accounting and taxation of short-term leases and lease for low-value assets
- Guidelines in securing a Tax Residency Certificate
- Accounting for and taxation of finance and operating lease
- Is a PHL Tax Residency Certificate relevant to my corporation?
- An overview of accounting and tax perspectives for financial instruments
- Accounting and tax perspectives for financial instruments — Part 2
- Common tax issues of PEZA-registered entities
- What’s next for taxpayers?
- Flash Report: Revised BIR reportorial requirements
- A clear 2020 vision: New Year requirements
- Are you a top withholding agent?
- Blessed with income tax incentives, it pays to know your compliance requirements
- Feeling gREITful
- Assessment and 2019 nCoV
- BIR gives Valentine’s gift amidst nCov
- Second chance at tax amnesty on delinquency
- Property, plant, and equipment vital to business operations
- CITIRA: Are we there yet?
- Empowering taxpayers during tax assessments
- Taxpayers’ right to due process: Can a new assessment be raised at the FDDA?
- Of extensions and lockdowns
- Certainty in uncertain times
- Kindness knows no tax boundaries
- Is there taxable liquidation in an upstream merger?
- The power to tax is the power to save more lives
- On relief packs and tax relief
- Not all losses go to waste
- 2020 Tax Filing: A whole new level of extraordinary
- Are we ‘half-ready’ for the new normal?
- Proposed tax reform in a time of pandemic
- Ease of tax filing and payment during community quarantine
- Transfer pricing issues from COVID
- Reconciling the Condominium Act and the NIRC for tax exemption
- The resilient taxpayer: Not an ode
- Business registration in the new normal
- Transfer pricing: related party transactions now made known
- BIR’s new and improved policy on inventory/asset destruction/disposal
- Are you prepared for BIR Form No. 1709?
- VAT on digital services — what you need to know
- The saga of transfer pricing continues
- Government assistance to vulnerable MSMEs during the pandemic
- Implications of COVID-19 Pandemic on Permanent Establishments
- Conquer your transfer pricing blues
- Revised BIR rules on fair market value of unlisted shares
- Helping our nation through voluntary tax compliance
- Update on Tax Assessment due process from NIC to ND
- Easing the burden through Bayanihan II’s tax breaks
- On tax breaks and CREATE-ing tax cuts
- Broadening the retirement tax exemption
- Electronic Letter of Authority (eLA) right at your doorstep
- COVID-19 impact on transfer pricing documentation
- Relief for resilient taxpayers
- The significance of the Electronic Commerce Act during the pandemic
- Online communication with government agencies
- Donations and losses during calamities
- CREATE Bill: An early Christmas gift?
- The latest on securing a tax residency certificate
- Ho Ho Ho! CREATE is coming to town
- Last-minute reminders before the holidays
- Another chance to avail of TAD and VAPP
- The serious repercussions of not withholding tax
- Taxpayers’ CAS journey made easier
- The right to be (actually) heard
- Revisiting the manner of tax filings and payment
- Due process in serving tax assessment notices
- Here comes CREATE
- Corporate income taxation in a nutshell
- FIST be with you!
- BIR eyes digital transformation, set to offer 24/7 online tax services
- Here’s to healthier tax disputes
- e-signatures for certain tax returns a gift to taxpayers
- The SC ruling on allowable deductions for PEZA firms
- How will the CREATE Law affect your 2020 ITR?
- Transfer pricing guide on cost-sharing arrangements and reimbursements
- Tax treaty application: What’s new and what has not been retained?
- On to the tax audit period
- Wish list for reforms on tax filing, payment and administrative compliance
- Taxpayers are in for another bumpy ride
- CREATE: Questions left unanswered
- Estate Tax Amnesty: To extend or not to extend?
- IRR on tax incentives: CREATE-ing life and hope for all
- Addressing corporate income tax concerns under the CREATE law
- Transfer pricing: The year that was and what’s next
- Sign of the times: Intensifying taxpayers’ use of e-signatures
- VAT and percentage tax amendments in light of the coronavirus pandemic
- New VAT rules on sale of goods to exporters, PEZA, other ecozones
- Decoding the questions in availing of tax treaty benefits
- The VAT refund that got away?
- VAT on sale of services to PEZA RBEs
- Taxpayer’s mental health matters!
- Taxpayers’ basic rights: Right to due process and equal protection of the law
- We are (not) on a break: Extensions and suspensions for ECQ season 3
- CREATE-ing new investments in the Philippines
- TikTax-ing social media influencers
- In death we (do not) part
- Clarifying IAET exemption for PEZA entities
- Taxing income from cryptocurrencies
- Dealing with non-resident foreign corporations taxwise
- Of ATP and VAT Refunds
- Let’s go tax the POGOs
- Keeping up with the digital economy: VAT on online transactions
- Ease of Business Registration amidst the Pandemic
- Balancing WFH compliance and tax incentives for PEZA IT-BPM entities
- Legal defenses against tax assessments
- Common findings in tax assessments
- Should I be taxed for showing political support?
- Requests for Confirmation and the consequences of non-compliance
- End the year right: Year-end compliance reminders
- Tax reminders on your inventories
- VAT Zero-rating for Registered Business Enterprises
- Rebirth of Digitalization: A booster for taxpayers and the government
- Taxation of separation pay
- 2022 Tax Trends and Ends
- Compliance with the BIR in closing a business
- Lighter burden from beneficial tax issuances
- Tax incentives for food providers
- Are your related party transactions at arm’s length yet?
- Request for BIR confirmation due this April 2022
- Clarifications and guidance on tax-free exchanges of properties
- General guidelines on annual corporate income tax filings
- New year, new corporate income tax rate for ROHQs
- Amendments to the Foreign Investments and Retail Trade Liberalization laws
- Shaking up the cross-border doctrine
- Are Registered Business Enterprise transactions VAT zero-rated or not?
- PEZA: Raise the white flag
- Clarifications on tax treatment of PAGCOR, its licensees and contractees
- WFH or Incentives? The IT-BPM dilemma
- Fortune favors the taxpayer… who files on time
- RBEs of IT-BPMs remember their fiscal incentives all too well
- Electronic is the new sexy: The BIR’s digital transformation
- A valid assessment emanates from a valid authority
- What to expect on taxes from the next administration
- The end game: SC voids restricting bank tax deductions
- Electronic invoice and receipts: A boon or bane for taxpayers?
- BIR task forces: Concerns and confusion
- Easing the tax burden on employees as prices rise
- The 2022 SIPP: What’s next for registered enterprises
- The right answers come to those who ask the right questions
- On tax compliance and digitalization
- Transfer pricing policies are a must-have
- Double trouble: Double taxation issues and MAP
- Cross-border exchange of tax-related information
- To infinite energy and beyond
- Status of regular BIR audits under the new administration
- Appealing a decision: Remedies for taxpayers at the FDDA stage
- Back to school: A refresher on the taxation of educational institutions
- How FAR are you in transfer pricing documentation?
- Zooming in on per diem, prohibited inurements
- Removal of the 5-year validity period for receipts and invoices
- How taxation and sustainable development intertwine
- Working from home, fiscal incentives, and transferring from PEZA to the BOI
- Ease of Paying Taxes bill approved in House
- Fringe with benefits? Not anymore for equity-based compensation under RR 13-2022
- What’s #TRENDING? Understanding and documenting industry analysis
- 2023 tax trends and ends: The sequel
- Taxation in the digital age
- Guidelines for the Transfer of PEZA-registered IT-BPM Firms to BOI
- IT-BPM Shift to WFH: Issues and Questions
- Mark your calendar for the LGU permit renewal
- Rules on collection pending appeal
- A closer look at the BIR’s clarifications on REEs’ VAT incentives
- Into the future: What taxpayers can expect in 2023
- Tax Assessments: What to do and what can still be done
- Yet another BIR deadline in April
- VAT zero-rating application never goes out of style
- A closer look at quarterly VAT filing
- Post review of transaction
- Taxpayers’ reflection on submission of documents during a BIR audit
- RPT Form – an annual requirement to remember
- Are all incidental transactions subject to VAT?
- Penance and salvation during the tax filing season
- Taxpayers and BIR do share common ground
- SEC grants amnesty for non-filing, late filing, and non-compliance
- Significance of prescriptive period of assessment
- The grant and taxation of public service franchises
- To tax or not to tax compensation?
- Welcome relief: Tax entitlements for solo parents
- Not all discrepancies will result to automatic disallowance by the BIR
- A taxpayer’s right to receive notice of assessment
- Strengthening tax awareness
- With great power comes great responsibility
- The difference one letter can make
- Simplified requirements and policies for VAT refund applications
- The warrant of distraint and/or levy
- Importance of valid substituted service of assessment notice
- What to expect from BIR tax mapping
- Tax treaty application: A refresher course
- Estate tax amnesty: The extension, part II
- The BIR and the Ease of Doing Business Act
- Third party information and the tax assessment process
- Prescription period: A taxpayer’s defense
- Let's Talk Tax
- VAT zero-rating for Registered Export Enterprises made easy
- BIR audit: Common reconciliations on per books vs per tax returns
- The genuine opportunity to be heard: Due process in tax assessments
- BIR assessments related to employee reimbursements
- Are satellite airtime fees taxable in the Philippines?
- What to expect when Ease of Paying Taxes bill becomes law
- How to avoid receiving a Subpoena Duces Tecum from the BIR
- 2023 year-end compliance reminders
- Prescriptive period on false return
- Deductibility of expenses made easy
- A Fresh Start for the New Year: LGU Renewal for Businesses in the Philippines
- Taxation of cross-border services
- Withholding tax rules on digital commerce
- The taxability of reimbursable or allocable expenses for cross-border services
- Ease of Paying Taxes Law: Making tax less taxing
- New rules for tax treatment of foreign currency transactions
- Interesting updates on interest expense
- Revisiting the VAT refund rules under EoPT law
- EoPT Act: Insights on the draft Implementing Rules and Regulations
- SEC issues the guidelines of eAMEND Portal
- Further clarifications on taxation of cross-border services
- Recent improvements in tax filing process
- The effect of a new assessment in the Final Decision on Disputed Assessment
- Taxing times for tax evaders; understanding tax evasion
- Refund of excess input VAT clarified
- The IRRs of Ease of Paying Taxes Act
- EoPT dates to remember for CAS taxpayers
- Invoicing Requirements under the EoPT Act
- Recovering overpaid taxes
- Almost there: VAT on digital services
- EOPT is here: Updates on CAR Application
- Taxing Towards Tomorrow: The Philippines' Tax-Driven Journey towards Sustainability
- Clarification for Compliance with Invoicing Requirements: BIR RR No. 7-2024
- Is Evading Taxes a Protest against Corruption?
- Tax Impacts from The New Property Valuation Law
- EOPT on Computerized Accounting System (CAS): To secure or not to secure new Acknowledgment Certificate
- Claiming excess taxes paid under the EoPT
- To Give Credit Where Credit Is Due
- Is CMEPA Bill the ‘Cherry on Top’ to boost the country’s Capital Market?
- Tax refunds for dissolving companies
- Reforming the tax and incentive system for sponsoring athletes
- Doctors and Taxes
- All Aboard: Revisiting TRAIN’s Impact on Individuals
- Revisiting the tax compliance requirements of online sellers
- Love Beyond Death and Taxes
- CREATE-ing MORE through Work-from-Home
- Taxes on sale of real property
- Easier to Tax, Easier to Pay, Easier to Collect
- Clarifying VAT Refund
- Taxation of Non-Resident Foreign Corporations: What now?
- Common tax findings on construction firms
- The CREATE MORE Act (RA 12066): A new chapter for tax incentives and economic development in the Philippines
- A closer look on VAT on digital services
- In Focus: Navigating tax exemptions and incentives in the real estate industry
- Business Permit Renewal: A yearly reminder
- 2024 BIR Issuances Wrapped and year-end compliance reminders
- What Lies Beyond? Exploring VAT Zero-Rating and Certification under the CREATE MORE Act
- The Pivotal Points between Section 195 and 196 of the Local Government Code
- Challenges and Insights: Inventory List and Schedules for Real Estate and Construction Companies
- The Reformation of Real Property Valuation: Insights on the RPVARA and its implementing Rules and Regulations
- Better Perks for Happier Employees: Non-Taxability of Employee De Minimis Benefits
- Ghosting is a Taxpayer’s Regret
- Estate Tax: A duty you can’t escape
From Where We Sit
- Bawal plastic dito! Elections shouldn’t pollute
- Building a Fraud-Resistant Organization: Key Insights and Strategies
- Add to Heart: The Evolving Business of Valentine's Day Shopping
- Money Talks with Honey: Making Shared Finances Sweet
- Taxation at the Forefront: Evaluating Progress and Addressing Challenges
- New Year, New Shift in SSS Contributions
- Driving the future of the Philippines: Tax reforms in action and what lies ahead
- Online shopping: How it stays relevant amid the complexities of e-commerce
- Charting Our Economic Course: A Look Back at the State of the Philippine Economy
- Deck the Halls with Safe Transactions: Staying Scam-Free This Holiday Season
- Good Governance: Key to Achieving Sustainable Development
- Your Leadership Style: Its Impact on Your Organization’s Sustainability
- Sustainable finance taxonomy: Challenges and opportunities
- Majestic Sea Turtles: Beacons of Sustainability
- Driving a Culture of Security from the Top Down
- Building a Cybersecurity Culture of Awareness – Empowering Employees as Your First Line of Defense
- People-Focused Cybersecurity: Beyond Compliance
- Model Cities: Leading the Battle for Sustainability
- Ushering a New Era for Corporate Compliance
- The Deepfake Dilemma: The Rising Threat to Businesses and Society
- Branding Towards Positive Impact: Amplifying Your People’s Voice
- Shaping a Future-Ready Workforce Through Skills Development
- Going Beyond Compliance: A Holistic Approach to Addressing the Plastic Crisis
- The Value of Financial Planning
- Bayanihan in Business: The Next Step for Filipino Mid-Market Firms
- The Innovation Imperative: People, Brand, & Sustainability in Focus
- Green Accounting: Path to sustainable practices
- EOPT for Educational Institutions
- Nurturing Accountants Beyond Numbers: The Essential Role of Human Skills
- The Winning Mindset: Having a genuine interest in our client’s success
- Beyond the superstars: unlocking the potential of mid-level performers
- Why do mothers become natural leaders?
- Reinventing work-life balance
- Compliance to Equity: Nurturing Diversity, Inclusion, and Belongingness in Modern HR Practices
- Why a great place to work breeds passionate people: In pursuit of passion for work and life
- A future-forward approach to risk management
- Global cybercrime damage: A cause for alarm
- On business longevity: Thriving for years to come
- Combating the financing of terrorism: A never-ending battle
- Making sustainability more than just a New Year's resolution
- Out with the old and in with the new: the latest changes in taxation
- Navigating the post-pandemic economy: Lessons learned and future outlook
- Innovation and adaptation: Challenges and opportunities for Philippine mid-market firms
- Fraud, Abuse and Mismanagement: Recipes to Corporate Collapse
- The Strategic Significance of HR Analytics in Organizations
- A delicate balance between unabridged honesty and limited honesty
- Thinking “Circular” Beyond the Checkbox
- ESG and the tragedy of the commons
- Keeping the ‘human touch’ alive
- Extended Producer Responsibility: A Vital Component of PAP4SCP
- Extended Producer Responsibility: Embracing the Duty to Hope and Act
- Workforce transformation essentials
- Are businesses ready for a four-day workweek?
- The power of positivism
- Embracing radical uncertainty
- Taking care of talent
- Intergenerational leadership
- The positive within the negative
- Navigating banking sector turbulence: Strategies for SMEs
- Forging ahead: Building strategic partnerships that last
- Embracing digital disruption
- Decoding effective leadership
- The beauty of unity in diversity
- Promoting gender parity
- Embracing respect
- Heeding global calls for gender parity
- The Push for parity: Women in senior leadership
- What it means to work with us, not for us
- The need for valuation standards in the Philippines
- Tough truths for leaders: Why employees quit their job
- 2023 Manifestation: A more vibrant tomorrow
- Business continuity and operational resilience: What’s the difference?
- No to burnout: Paving the way to support employee well-being
- On risks and threats: Preparing for the unexpected
- Up for success: Banking on e-commerce profitability
- Promoting sustainability through borderless collaboration, ESG reporting and insight sharing
- Exploring the ‘go global’ mantra
- Putting tech at the heart of coaching
- Creating sustainability champions in the workplace
- Powering through amid the great tech gap
- The likelihood of holiday splurges
- Beyond the return to face-to-face classes
- IT, digital transformation investments are critical
- Why digital transformation matters
- Upholding accountability in an era of fake news
- Positive returns from MSME risk management
- Toward the renewable energy transition
- Addressing risks and threats to payroll data
- The fintech-enabled future for MSMEs
- Fostering a sense of belonging in the workplace
- Leaders' survival guide to modern disruption
- Pinoy management styles: How to be a ‘lodi’ leader
- Go green beyond compliance
- Shining the spotlight on organizational integrity
- Redefining work for the homeland
- Why set up shared services in the Philippines?
- Going green and all in for a more sustainable future
- Walking the talk for women empowerment
- The 'smart economics' behind gender equality
- Fighting back against the 'shecession'
- 'Babae kasi': Insights on why women are from Mars too
- Women Power: Why organizations struggle to harness the power of women leaders
- A supercharged future with 5G
- Taking risks in mitigating business threats
- Bias everywhere, beware!
- Business growth amid economic downturns
- Sustaining momentum in going green
- A fresh start for MSMEs
- The new phase of business sustainability
- Beyond the horizon: Trends to expect for 2022
- Change of seasons
- Go beyond profit
- Ending the year all too well
- Talking big tech in the boardroom
- Mastering the art of cutting losses
- Making more out of inflation
- Investment 101: Comparing modern investment vehicles and risks
- The viral rise of e-commerce: new strategies to employ in today’s new normal
- Into the future: Real sustainability as the next corporate governance challenge
- Winning the war for talent: The key to retaining employees
- Gen Z workplace dynamics
- Alleviating retail woes during the holidays
- Expect the unexpected credit loss
- Redefining ‘bayanihan’: Tax incentives for businesses in the new normal
- In crypto we trust
- Seizing the digital lifeline: Helping pandemic-hit MSMEs thrive
- The role of banks as sustainability stewards
- Digital transformation: Breaking barriers
- Education in a post-pandemic world
- Rethinking sustainability in business
- Digital Transformation: Back to basics
- Making it work: Leading from home
- Shaking the Future of Banking
- Winning the fight against fraud
- Staying (cyber)safe at home
- Learning Management System: An Essential Tool to Enhance Remote Education
- Faster with FIST: Spurring economic recovery in the pandemic through the FIST Act
- Family first: Strengths, challenges and resiliency plans for family businesses
- Going digital in the name of business continuity
- Trust and understanding: Boosting employee satisfaction during the pandemic
- Business as usual: Capitalizing on business strengths, adaptive measures during the pandemic
- Welcoming recovery: Strategies for the hospitality industry
- Helping MSMEs survive in the new normal
- The rise of REITs
- E-commerce strategies, sustainability measures and the outlook of retail in PH
- Bridging the gender gap: Cultivating a more inclusive mindset amid the pandemic
- Professional quotients and competencies for accountants in a world of unprecedented change
- Boards and their power: Setting the right culture
- Preparation and prevention vs insider threats
- Financial reporting in the time of CREATE
- Opening a world of opportunities for Filipino out-of-school youth
- Magnifying the internal audit process
- Streamlined process on the application for registration of Computerized Accounting System/Computerized Books of Accounts
- Seeking reassurance: How the restaurant industry can recover
- Managing fraud risks toward recovery
- A new year, a new business
- Recovery of the Philippine retail industry: Softening the blow
- On the road to recovery
- Decoding the Christmas consumer
- The evolution of corporate governance
- ‘Get to know your customer again’
- Confessions from a WFH dad
- Education in the new reality
- As we prepare for a post-pandemic world
- Reconsidering current business models
- How the PH healthcare industry can become keen on threats to cybersecurity
- Get a Room
- Developing multiple futures
- Voluntary assessment and payment program for taxable year 2018
- WFH with your family
- Five months and counting
- In the bubble
- The strongest link in cybersecurity
- The tale of transfer pricing in the Philippines
- Online learning in the COVID-19 era and beyond
- Collective ripples create a wave of change
- Survive and thrive: scenario planning through business challenges
- Post-crisis recovery and its challenges
- Digital learning strategy for K-12 schools and higher education
- Navigating business valuation uncertainty amid Covid-19 crisis
- Rightsizing done right
- The human and business elements post-Covid-19
- Digital transformation for the customer-obsessed organization
- What will schools look like under the ‘new normal’?
- The new key success factors: Cleanliness and health and safety practices
- Protecting personal data in the coronavirus era
- Mitigating cyber risks in the coronavirus era
- The power of choice
- Let us not waste this virus
- Building business resilience in response to Covid-19
- Business unusual
- Could educational technology be a ‘holy grail’ amid Covid-19 crisis?
- Incoherently coherent
- Educational leadership in the age of AI
- Cyber risk management from A to Z: What you need to know
- Cyber risk management from A to Z: What you need to know
- Dear Work
- Not all dreams come true
- Change the mindset by doing something
- TMT outlook: Can tech spend buoyancy keep the industry...
- Tell your stories
- Dealing with Sunday blues
- Overcoming thanklessness
- Where to anchor our decisions on
- Milkfish bones and transparency
- There is no trade-off
- Meetings never end
- The new normal
- Alignment checks
- Middle of the pack
- When I grow up
- Setting the tone
- Leadership is not for the faint of heart
- Who is successful?
- Conquering fear
- Time flies fast
- Life is not fair
- When words matter more
- Disengagement at work
- Stories we can tell
- Are we incentivizing authenticity?
- When our plans were tested, did our execution pass?
- The day after
- Let us be that person
- Hold your plans loosely
- How can finance seize digital opportunities?
- Man up in the name of love!
- In the aftermath of a cybercrisis [Last part]
- In the aftermath of a cybercrisis
- Family enterprise: To infinity and beyond
- Do you want me to succeed you?
- Would you rather?
- A new perspective on work
- Aging: The irony of new year
- Happy holidays from a global citizen
- The continuous rise of AI
- Last two minutes to adopt PFRS 9
- Career growth in BPO
- Assurance in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
- Remember the ‘boy in the manger’ this Christmas season
- The anonymity effect
- Dirty money
- The PH traffic situation
- Why we need IT governance
- Going back to one’s roots
- Growing for others
- HR management and team sports
- HR as total reward steward
- Digital governance
- It’s about time
- From Where We Sit
- Moral compass
- Getting the right work attitude
- The epitome of Filipino excellence
- From Where We Sit
- Have meaningful engagements with rightsholders
- Building the golden source of data
- Achieving personal growth
- An open letter to my younger self
- Reaching new horizons with Generation Z
- Quitting as a tool
- When pain gives birth to brilliance
- Another data protection regulation
- (Some more) Summer things to do
- Relentless
- Cash flow statements and their relevance
- Are commencement speeches and speakers still relevant?
- Fund your growth
- Have you risen?
- Alone on a Friday the 13th
- Appreciate me right
- Be relatable
- Breach, breach, brace for impact!
- Breach, breach, brace for impact!
- Two words: Thank you
- Work out your love
- Reminders from my youth
- Letter to a young me
- Choices under TRAIN
- No way to remain and retain
- The Christmas gift of Train
- A new world of financial reporting: General purpose financial statements repurposed
- Overcoming generational differences in the workplace
- Start strong in your career
- Making a big difference
- Are we asking enough questions?
- Keep right
- Continuing the discussion on corporate governance
- Shifting perspectives
- Have you dug enough?
- For a healthy and succesful you
- Leadership lessons from two heads of state
- What I learned from being a sports fan
- Be like a child
- Go global
- Two careers and 10,000 hours
- I am a CPA, a nation builder
- Going for an IPO – What do companies need to consider?
- Words matter
- Building a culture of innovation
- That voice in your head
- Artificial Intelligence: Threat or opportunity?
- Learning from Federer’s new playbook
- The weakest link: A cybersecurity story
- Creating sustainable communities as responsible travelers
- Remember the long game
- Why failure can be good
- Mind the growth
- Creating a robust tax department
- Why every company needs a purpose (Just as every human does)
- The ‘Cobra effect’ (unintended consequences)
- Social media and the food and beverage industry
- Governance lessons from ‘House of Cards’
- Fiscal federalism: Its relevance to the Philippines
- Restoring customer trust and integrity in financial services
- Essentials for today’s retailers
- Handling difficulties successfully
- Self-commandments
- Cultivating your organization’s culture
- How to prime women business leaders to face risk
- For leaders and the bubbles we are in
- The role of management in wellness
- What’s your competitive advantage?What’s your competitive advantage?
- Rebuilding our nation through CSR
- Demand for content is reshaping the market
- Why should we read?
- Knowing how much your business is worth
- Changes need time
- Insights: Innovative thinking leads to innovative talent
- Improving financial close process
- Tectonic shifts involving corporate boards
- 6 tips for protecting and growing new brands
- Reiteration of prior years’ ‘New Year’s Resolutions’
- Filipino CPAs’ readiness to ‘level up’ to Asean, world standards
- Starting right with good governance
- Mentoring MSEs
- Managing advisors of family businesses
- Always a winning investment
- The importance of government IDs
- What's in a list?
- Boards of the future: Steering organizations to thrive
- Molding a ‘new’ BIR
- From Where We Sit
- Are students (and businesses) really learning on the job?
- How much of our secrets do we need to keep: Revisiting the bank secrecy law
- People as a strategy
- How to enhance knowledge and skills
- Flexible benefits, take your pick!
- Budget of Philippines Inc.
- Change is coming–Are banks and financing firms ready for it?
- Of kids and employees
- Easing the traffic in 10 moves...with a little help from you
- New financial reporting framework for cooperatives
- Teaching Philippine history
- Preparing our future workforce
- Change is coming . . . for leases
- Employee stock ownership plan – ready for wider adoption?
- How to avoid unnecessary tax expenses
- Toward a more independent ‘Independent Directors’
- Making your financial statements an effective communication tool
- The value of client satisfaction surveys to professional firms
- The value of a good audit
- ‘Posting’ and the importance of government IDs
- Preparation of financial statements Part 2
- The way you prepare your books matters
- The value of accounting in today’s business
- Attracting Japanese investment (China Plus One)
- Evolving today’s dinosaurs
- And the Asean CPA is born
- A tax strategy for the next PH President
- Computerized accounting system
- Senior citizen discount
- Preparation of financial statements Part 2
- Debit Credit
- Mapping the Future
- Economic Effects of Corruption
- PISA? Language is the Fundamental Cause
- Anatomy of Philippine Poverty
- Quo Vadis?
- Containing COVID-19
- COMMENTARY: If I were President…
- Acculturating essential values
- So, what now?
- Reforming the frontline institutions
- Combating corruption
- Engaging LGUs in economic development
- Transforming agriculture
- Choosing and adopting a primary language soon
- Leapfrogging to higher economic growth (Part 2)
- Leapfrogging to higher economic growth (Part 1)
- Leapfrogging to higher economic growth (2)
- Leapfrogging to higher economic growth (1)
- Transforming Philippine agriculture
- Overhauling the Philippine education system
- IF I WERE THE NEXT PRESIDENT: Solving the problem of homelessness
- IF I WERE THE PRESIDENT: Substantially reduce poverty by bringing down child stunting rates
- IF I WERE THE NEXT PRESIDENT: 'Siguradong Sahod' to substantially reduce poverty
- If I were the next president…
- What is to be done (Part 3)
- What is to be done (Part 2)
- What is to be done
- Endo: When and how does it end?
- Decentralization, PH-style
- The Bangsamoro
- Philippine ‘democracy’
- Why PHL elections are not competitive
- The deleterious effects of political dynasties
- Tax sharing in the ConCom’s draft charter
- The Barangay System
- Opinion
- Opinion
- Federalism, Money, and Taxes (Part 2)
- Federalism, money, an taxes (Part 1)
- Still on federalism
- Federalism revisited
- Urgent need for a universal Philippine Language
- Wash SyCip: Rest in Peace
- An alternative to senior citizen discount
- What is to be done? Restitution to the dispossessed
Tax Notes
- Amended guidelines on Pag-ibig Fund membership termination
- Clarifying tax on transfer of property between Peza entities
- New versions of BIR Form 2305 and Update of Exemption of Employees (UEE) Data Entry and Batch File Validation Modules
- Tax Notes: Tax exemption certificate, eCAR under Community Mortgage Program
- Tax Notes: BIR Forms for compromise settlement and abatement of penalties
- Tax Notes: New manual on corporate governance
- Tax Notes: No CTG on mere issuance of tax declaration of real property
- Tax Notes: Additional list of PERA UTIFs approved by the BSP
- Tax Notes: Taxes on the sale, exchange or other disposition of real property
- Tax Notes: BIR waives TTRA requirements for dividends, interests and royalties
- Tax Notes: Pre-processed RELIEF and BOC data in aid of tax audits
- Tax Notes: New term limit of independent directors
- BIR expands VAT audit inquiry coverage
- BOI-registered new, expanding firms import capital equipment duty free
- Submission of new PEZA requirement
- Tax perks of private entities that employ PWDs
- Philhealth grants Z benefit package for premature, small newborns
- Mandatory accreditation of transporters of PNP-controlled chemicals
- Tax Notes: Advisory for drinking-water service providers
- Tax Notes: Auto-credit payment scheme
- Requirements for job order or service contract agreements
- Permit to use loose-leaf books of accounts
- SEC adopts new and revised accounting standards
- Electronic submission of reports to the BSP
- Strengthening the Anti-Hospital Deposit Law
- DBP prepaid cards for Pag-ibig short term loan disbursements
- Obligation of employers to advance SS benefits
- VAT rate for ABC of government projects
- Payment of wages for special (non-working) days
- BIR amends signatories in the eCAR
- SEC adopts automated Company Registration System
- Government Securities Repurchase Program
- Revised Philhealth Premiums
- SSS to start e-CS for real-time posting of payments in 2018
- BSP’s obligation to withhold reduced from 5% to 1%
- RA 10963 amends the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997
- Revised withholding tax table on compensation
- Reduced EWT Rate for Self-employed Individuals and Professionals
- Filing final tax and percentage tax returns
- Deductions now allowed where no withholding was made
- Filing of AFS and GIS
- Wages for the special (non-working) days on Feb. 16 and 25
- BIR advisory on percentage tax filing
- Implementing TRAIN’s income tax provisions
- Stock transfer tax for publicly listed shares
- Status quo on VAT zero-rating of sales to Peza entities
- Classification of top withholding agents on purchase of goods and services
- Posting and remitting PhilHealth contributions by OFWs
- BIR simplifies business registration procedures
- Submitting the quarterly alphabetical list of payees (QAP)
- BIR Form No. 1701Q now available
- Availing yourself of 8% tax rate for self-employed individuals
- Filing excise tax returns for invasive cosmetic procedures
- BIR creates fast lane
- New ATCs for excise tax
- New minimum daily wage rate for Region 7
- Grounds for terminating Pag-ibig I membership
- Train updates deficiency and delinquency interest
- Issuance of eCAR for real properties under extrajudicial settlement
- New payment deadlines for SSS contributions starting September 2018
- Availability of offline eBIR Forms Package Version 7.2
- Clarification on tax treatment of group health insurance and director’s fees
- Employees’ monthly compensation pension
- Extension of processing pending VAT claims filed before 2018
- Reminders for local business taxes and real property taxes for 2019
- 2019 filing of AFS and GIS
- Guidelines for reaccreditating printers of principal/supplementary receipts/invoices
- New BIR Form 1701A for individuals now available
- New withholding tax rates on Meralco payments and interest on loans
- SSS contribution rates for 2019 to 2025
- BIR-printed receipts, invoices available for new businesses
- SSS Contribution Table effective April 2019
- How to apply tax amnesty on tax delinquencies
- Incentives under the Philippine Green Jobs Act
- Policies established for 105-day Expanded Maternity Leave Law
- Guidelines on establishing an One Person Corporation (OPC)
- Implementing the tax incentives provision of RA 10771
- Business style in official receipts/invoices is business name
- DST on original issue of sharesof stocks for new corporations
- Requirements for foreign nationals
- How to apply for estate tax amnesty
- BIR redefines criteria for Top Withholding Agents
- Clarifying the issuance of Delinquency Verification Certificate for VAT claims
- Clarifications on issues following implementation of Tax Amnesty Act
- Civil remedies for collecting Accounts Receivable/ Delinquent Accounts
- Amended guidelines in registration of employees
- Availability of new BIR Forms 1604-C, 1604-F, 2306, 2307
- Revised deadline for paying SSS contributions for July to December 2019
- Inclusion of beneficial ownership information in the General Information Sheet
- Amending provisions on tax privileges, incentives to establishments granting sales discounts to PWDs
- Prohibition on unfair debt collection practices of financing companies, lending companies
- Guidelines on the number and qualifications of incorporators under the Revised Corporation Code
- Availability of revised BIR Form 2316
- Salary differential under the Expanded Maternity Leave Law exempt from tax
- Extension of the validity period of certificate of accreditation, permits to use CRMs, POS, other sales machines
- Guidelines on transfer pricing audits
- Accounting for and taxation of leases in accordance with the new PFRS 16
- Clarifications on the treatment of alien individuals employed in the Philippines
- Terminating the submission of semestral list of regular suppliers
- New format for Notice to Issue Receipt/Invoice
- Extended deadline for submitting BIR Form Nos. 1604C and 1604F
- BIR allows use of computer-generated BIR certificates
- Circularizing the availability of revised BIR Form 1702-EX (Annual Income Tax Return) January 2018 (ENCS) version 2
- Central Visayas increases minimum wage rates beginning 2020
- Clarifications on the inclusion of taxpayers as Top Withholding Agents pursuant to the criteria of Revenue Regulations 7-2019
- Extension of submission of sworn declaration of inventory of diesel, gasoline, kerosene
- Revised rules and regulations of Real Estate Investment Trust
- 2020 Filing of Annual Financial Statements and General Information Sheet
- Suspending the requirement for permit to use computerized accounting systems, books of accounts and/or its components
- Further clarification on tax amnesty, Revenue Memorandum Circular 11-2020
- Guidelines on responding to deficiency tax assessments
- Use of old BIR Form Nos. 1604-CF and 1604-E and alphalists are acceptable
- eBIRForms Package v7.6 now available
- Clarification on extension of deadlines for filing and paying tax returns for 2019
- Tax filing and payment guidelines during the enhanced community quarantine period (updated as of April 1, 2020)
- Tax exemption for importing health care supplies and equipment, Revenue Regulations No. 6-2020
- Full deductibility of donations against taxable income
- Guidelines on paying taxes during enhanced community quarantine
- 2019 Annual income tax returns filing and payment guidelines
- Acceptance of tax payments during ECQ
- Interruption of period for filing Alien Employment Permits and Private Employment Agency licenses
- Relaxed rules on receipt or invoicing requirements during ECQ
- Extended deadlines and guidelines for submitting AFS and GIS
- Online submission of filed 2019 annual ITR and its required attachments
- Online sellers and freelancers: What are your obligations?
- Extension of deadline for availing of tax amnesty on delinquencies
- Alternative modes of issuing receipts/invoices during ECQ and MECQ, not applicable during GCQ
- Streamlined requirements for BIR applications
- Further extension on the deadline for filing of VAT refund claims; 90-day processing period suspended in areas still under ECQ or MECQ
- Submission of BIR Form 1709 and transfer pricing documentation for related party transactions now required
- Revised procedures for cancelling permit to use cash register machines, POS machines, other similar sales machines generating receipts/invoices
- Extension on the deadline for registering businesses engaged in digital transactions
- Clarifications on filing BIR Form 1709 and its attachments
- Use of eAFS System for the submission of attachments to the Income Tax Returns (ITR) of taxpayers with fiscal-year accounting period and submission of attachments to the quarterly ITRs
- Revised rules in the determination of fair market value of unlisted shares
- Rules on tax residency and creation of permanent establishment due to effects of Covid-19 measures
- Deadline for registering online business further extended to Sept. 30, 2020
- Voluntary Assessment and Payment Program for taxable year 2018
- Further extensions on the deadline of submission of BIR Form 1709 and supporting documents
- Notice of Discrepancy to replace Notice of Informal Conference in tax assessments
- Reiteration of the alternative modes of issuance of receipts/invoices during modified enhanced community quarantine period
- Nolco from 2020 and 2021 carried over for next 5 years
- Guidelines for the conversion of corporations either to one person corporation or to ordinary stock corporation
- Issuance of certificate of zonal values of real properties
- What tax exemptions can employees and health workers avail of under the Bayanihan II?
- Mandatory e-mail address, mobile number in GIS for SEC transactions
- Non-imposition of SEC fines and other monetary penalties
- Proper modes of service of electronic Letter of Authority
- Availability of BIR Form 1601-C (Monthly Remittance Return of Income Taxes Withheld on Compensation) January 2018 (ENCS) in Electronic Filing and Payment System (eFPS)
- BIR suspends all audit, other field operations effective Dec. 15, 2020
- Guidelines for conversion of corporations
- Submission of BIR Form 1709, preparation of transfer pricing documentation
- Availment of TAD, VAPP extended until June 30, 2021
- Suspension of PhilHealth contribution hike for 2021
- Suspension of enlisting and delisting of large taxpayers
- Availability of Central Business Portal
- Deadline extension for filing, submission of BIR Forms 1604-C and 1604-F
- Bicameral conference committee report on the proposed Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprises Act
- Clarifications on simplified guidelines on the use of CAS, CBA, its components
- Online submission of Beneficial Ownership Transparency Declaration Form
- How to fill in VAT returns from final to creditable VAT withheld on sales to gov’t
- How to request member data changes in My.SSS
- SC rules list of direct costs for PEZA-registered entities is not exclusive
- Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprises Act (Part 1)
- Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprises Act (Part 2)
- Out-of-district filing, payment of taxes allowed until April 30, 2021
- Guidelines for filing, payment of annual income tax returns by non-individual taxpayers
- Revised guidelines on the use of Electronic Audited Financial Statements System
- Clarifications on submission of BIR Form 1709 (RPT Form)
- How to file online applications for maternity benefits, reimbursements through My.SSS portal
- SSS clarifies definition of earnings declared for contributions of self-employed members
- RA 115171 shortens process of issuing permits, licenses, certifications
- BIR clarifies Corporate Income Tax issues under the Create Act
- Guidelines in filing BIR Form 1702Q January 2018 for taxpayers with fiscal year accounting period eFPS
- Availability of BIR single hotline number and use of REVIE chatbot
- Imposition of 12% VAT on Zero-rated Goods and Services
- Amendments on Section 10 of RR 20-2018 on outright exemption granted to export of sweetened beverages
- Estate Tax Amnesty extended until June 14, 2023
- New rules on how to avail of tax treaty benefits
- Updated comprehensive list of FDA-approved VAT-exempt products under the Create Act
- Implementation of new penalty provisions under Train Law
- BIR defers VAT treatment on export-oriented enterprises, income tax treatment on proprietary educational institutions
- 15-day extension of deadlines for tax filing, payment during ECQ, MECQ
- Extension of Estate Tax Amnesty pursuant to the amended Tax Amnesty Act
- Taxation of Social Media Influencers’ Income
- Amendments on manner of submission of copies of BIR Forms 2307, 2316
- Clarifying issues on certain VAT-exempt medicines and medical devices used for Covid-19 under the Create Act
- Ease of Paying Taxes bill passes House, moves to Senate
- Extension of WFH arrangements for Peza IT-BPM entities
- Computation of Donor’s Tax when heirs waive/renounce shares in inherited property
- Taxation of Philippine Offshore Gaming Operations
- PhilHealth releases guidelines in claiming COVID-19 vaccine injury compensation, NHIP benefits
- Circularization of Republic Act 11590 or An Act Taxing Philippine Offshore Gaming Operations
- BIR zeroes in on tax compliance of online merchants, social media influencers, businesses in digital platforms
- SSS offers short-term member loan penalty condonation program (STMLPCP)
- It’s that time of the year: DOLE provides guidelines on 13th month pay
- Reminder on request for confirmation required for availing of tax treaty benefits in 2020 and prior year income payments due on Dec. 29, 2021
- Clarification on the Manner of Submission of BIR Forms Nos. 2307, 2316 under Revenue Regulations No. 16-2021
- Implementation of VAT zero-rating, exemption provisions for registered export enterprises under the CREATE Law
- Revised BIR Form Nos. 1707 and 1707-A Version 2021 Now Available
- Clarifying the list of imported articles that no longer require ATRIG from the BIR prior to release from BOC
- Amendments on the IRR of the CREATE Act
- BIR deadlines extended in select RDOs due to Typhoon Odette
- Filing of returns, payment of taxes in areas under Alert Level 3, areas affected by Typhoon Odette
- BIR still accepts BIR Form 2316 without actual signature of the employee
- Proprietary educational institutions, nonprofit hospitals taxed at 1% for a limited period
- Tax filing, payment deadlines extended for 30 calendar days for taxpayers in areas under Alert Level 3 or higher, out-of-district filing allowed
- Clarification, guidelines on Section 8 of Revenue Regulation 5-2021 on Tax-Free Exchanges of Properties under the NIRC as amended by CREATE Act
- Amendments to the Retail Trade Liberalization Act of 2000
- Guidance on filing of requests for confirmation, tax treaty relief applications and tax sparing applications
- Procedures, guidelines in claiming Input VAT on purchases, importation of capital goods pursuant to Section 110 of the NIRC, as amended by the Train Law
- Tax compliance reminders for May 9 national and local elections
- RBEs under IPAs now required to submit CETI as attachment to AITR
- Updates on alphanumeric tax codes for capital gains tax transactions under TRAIN and CREATE Laws
- 2021 Annual ITR filing and payment guidelines; Out-of-district filing and payment of taxes allowed
- Clarifications and guidelines in using eAFS system; use of e-signatures on all tax returns, attachments and documents now allowed
- Clarifications on the deadline for submission of attachments to the 2021 Annual Income Tax Return and other matters
- Non-imposition of surcharges on amended tax returns
- Central business portal for online registration of all types of business now available
- Clarifications on the deadline of submission of attachments to the 2021 Annual Income Tax Return and other matters
- PhilHealth implements new contribution rate for CY 2022
- NCR and Western Visayas wage boards grant minimum wage increase
- BIR field audit and other field operations, audit and other field operations under special task forces, are suspended until further notice; no issuance of written orders to audit and/or investigate except in certain cases
- e-Invoicing in PH to be partially launched this July, full rollout by 2023
- Business Registration via CBP Now Available for Sole Proprietors
- Suspension of BIR audits, field operations
- Updated list of documentary requirements for sickness, disability benefits in line with business process re-engineering
- Implementation of electronic receipts/invoices, electronic sales data transmission
- Removal of 5-year validity period on receipts/invoices
- Admissibility of sales documents in electronic format in the verification of sales, purchases of taxpayers
- Suspension of the Conduct of TCVD now lifted
- Sworn declaration for VAT-zero rating of local purchases of registered business enterprises
- Clarification on the Issuance of CETI under the CREATE Act
- Additional guidelines, procedures on payment of penalties due to violations of WFH rules incurred by RBEs
- Clarifications on the Provisions of RR No. 6-2022 Regarding Removal of 5–Year Validity Period of Receipts/Invoices
- Guidelines on the Lifting of Suspension of Field Audit and Operations
- FIRB extends work-from-home arrangements until Dec. 31, 2022
- Exemption of BOI-RBEs from Local Business Tax
- Policies, guidelines and procedures in the issuance, use of Notice to Issue Receipt/lnvoice
- FIRB allows IT-BPM RBEs registered business enterprises to transfer registration to BOI until Dec. 31
- Equity-based compensation paid to rank-and-file, managerial/supervisory employees subject to withholding tax on compensation
- Clarificatory guidelines on availment of 0% VAT on HMO Plans acquired by REEs
- BIR launches Online Registration and Update System (ORUS)
- Revised eBIRForms email notification to taxpayers
- DTI-BOI guidelines on transfer of IT-BPM RBEs
- How to tax equity-based compensation
- BIR lifts suspension of all field operations
- Availability of TIN verification/validation, RDO finder and eComplaint facility in BIR Chatbot (Revie)
- Regulatory tax update beginning Jan. 1, 2023
- Amending the creditable withholding rates of income payments to Meralco
- BIR temporarily suspends all audit, other field operations from December 16 to January 8
- BIR Online Registration and Update System (ORUS) now available in BIR Website
- BIR clarifies new revised VAT rules for REEs under CREATE Law
- New way of registering books of accounts via BIR’s ORUS
- TRAIN Law removes mandatory filing; payment of monthly VAT returns effective 2023
- Filed tax returns with no or partial payment to be tagged as delinquent subject to penalty
- More updates to BIR's ORUS
- Required online registration of books of accounts via ORUS
- Additional Guidelines for RBEs in the IT-BPM Sector
- Amendments to RMC 48-2018 on classification, processing time of one-time transactions
- Extension of deadlines for the 2023 Filing of Annual Financial Statements
- How to compute the penalty for non-compliance of RBEs with the WFH threshold
- FIRB extends bond-free period for IT-BPM RBEs until June 30, 2023
- How to file an AITR for CY 2022
- Filing and payment of tax returns made easy
- Clarification on effect of publication of list of CBL taxpayers pursuant to existing guidelines
- Availability of eBIRForms Package Version 7.9.4
- Clarification on certain policies on filing of appeal against FDDA
- New BIR ORUS features coming your way
- BIR prior approval on VAT zero-rating of qualified purchases of Registered Export Enterprises (REEs) no longer required
- All barangays are now mandated to file through eBIR forms
- Optional filing and payment of monthly VAT returns now allowed
- Clarifications on the entitlement of economic zone developers and operators to the VAT zero-rating on local purchases of goods and services directly and exclusively used in the registered project or activity
- Availability of Annual Information Returns and BIR Form 0620 in the eFPS
- Issuance and validity of TIN card and certificate of registration
- BIR updates documentary requirements for income tax exemption of foreign-sourced dividends received by a domestic corporation
- Revised rules on late, out-of-district filing of tax returns
- Reversion of rates of percentage tax, minimum corporate income tax, and regular income tax on proprietary educational institutions and not-for-profit hospitals
- BIR extends the deadline for the replacement of the Ask for Receipt Notice (ARN) with the Notice to Issue Receipts/Invoice (NIRI)
- Sworn statement, sworn declaration requirements on tax-exempt foreign-sourced dividends
- Updated proof of payment of DST for certificates issued by the government
- SEC extends amnesty application deadline, streamlines process for non-compliant companies
- Signature of senior citizens and persons with disabilities on qualified transactions on online purchases no longer required
- Updated BIR Forms on VAT, percentage and fringe benefits now available in EFPS
- Clarifications on the implementation of Revenue Regulations (RR) No. 3-2023 and other related concerns on Value-Added Tax (VAT) zero-rate transactions on local purchases of the Registered Export Enterprises (REEs)
- Guidelines on the imposition of excise taxes for perfumes and toilet waters
- Amendments on estate tax amnesty deadline extension
- Electronic mail and signature as additional mode of service for warrant of garnishment
- Reiteration of VAT Incentives for Registered Business Enterprises under CREATE
- SEC Amnesty Applications extended
- Reiteration of Withholding Taxes on Installment Sales of Real Property
- BIR launches the Taxpayer’s Registration-Related Applications (TRRA) portal
- BIR guide on real estate transactions classified as ordinary assets
- SEC guidelines on the submission of digital copies and reduction on the number of hard copies of documents
- Issuance of receipts and sales or commercial invoices by agricultural producers
- Final extension of amnesty applications until Dec. 31, 2023
- Optional VAT-registration of Registered Business Enterprise (RBE)
- BIR updates features, functionalities of ORUS; introduces digital TIN
- BIR introduces new package for the eBIR facility
- Suspension of All Audit and Other Field Operations of the BIR from December 16, 2023 to January 7, 2024
- Income payments by joint ventures or consortiums now subject to withholding tax
- Guidelines on the Applications for Payment of Filing Fees and Annual Fees of REIT Fund Managers and their Respective Compliance Officers
- Online sellers subject to 1% expanded withholding tax
- New year new law: What we can expect from the Ease of Paying Taxes Act
- A Sign of Recovery: Reversal of VAT-Exemption on COVID-related products
- VAT exemption on sale of residential properties now at 3.6M and below
- BIR clarifies treatment, conversion of foreign currency transactions
- Cross-border transactions subject to tax
- BIR clarifies tax treatment of interest on borrowings
- Availability of new version of BIR Forms 1702-EX, 1701A in the eFPS; extension of deadline for submission of alphabetical list of employees
- Taxpayers to use online TIN verification
- BIR expands the means of publication for BIR issuances
- Computation of the Minimum Corporate Income Tax for the Taxable Year 2023
- BIR issues clarification on the taxation of cross-border services
- 2024 Filing of Annual Financial Statements and General Information Sheet
- ITR Filing 2023: Extended Banking Hours, Bank Acceptance of Tax Returns on Saturdays, and Out-of-District Filing
- Guidelines for the Filing of Annual Income Tax Returns and Payment of Taxes Due Thereon for Calendar Year 2023
- Ease of Paying Taxes Act is here: Salient changes to VAT and percentage tax rules
- EOPT is here: Revised rules on tax filing and payment and matters affecting the declaration of taxable income
- EOPT is here: Revised rules on tax refund
- EOPT is here: Revised rules on taxpayer classification and reduced penalties for micro and small taxpayers
- EOPT is here: Updates on the Preservation of Book of Accounts and Changes in Taxpayer Registration
- Availability of Taxpayer’s Classification in ORUS
- BIR Clarifies Issuance of eCAR relative to One-Time Transaction (ONETT)
- Clarification on the Antedating of Deeds of Sale of Real Properties
- Amendments and Extension of Deadlines for Compliance with the Invoicing Requirements under EOPT Act
- BIR Clarifies Mode of Submission of Inventory Report and Notice in Compliance with RR No. 7-2024
- EOPT is Here: BIR Clarifies Availment of Output VAT Credit on Uncollected Receivables
- BIR Publishes RR No. 12-2024, Effectively Removing the 5-Year Validity of the Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR)
- Deadline Clarifications for Documentary Stamp Tax Returns
- Clarification on the invoicing requirements per RR No.7-2024, as amended by RR No.11 -2024
- SEC launches the Electronic SEC Universal Registration Environment (eSECURE) platform
- BIR extends the deadline for the imposition of withholding tax on payments made by digital financial service providers to online sellers
- eONETT Tax Returns and Payments Forms: What You Need to Know
- Clarification on the Publication of Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Issuances
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Relative to the Filing and Payment of Taxes Pursuant to the EOPT Act
- Clarifications on the registration procedures under EOPT Act
- Mandatory Registration of Persons Engaged in Online Trade or Business
- SEC grants relief to non-compliant firms through the Enhanced Compliance Incentive Program (ECIP)
- BIR requires presentation of tax clearance prior to the final settlement of government contracts
- EOPT is Here: Guidelines for Classification of Business Taxpayers
- Imposition of 12% VAT on Services by Digital Service Providers
- Clarification on the Types of Checks Accepted for Payment for One-Time Transaction-Related Internal Revenue Taxes
- Amendments on High-Risk VAT Refund Claims
- Availability of Update of taxpayer Classification and Resumption of Business Registration in ORUS
- Clarification on risk-based approach in processing VAT refund claims
- BIR Clarifies Taxability of the Medical Allowance Granted to Qualified Government Civilian Personnel
- Guidelines on the Proper Sale and Affixture of Loose Documentary Stamps to Taxable Documents
- Ease of Paying Taxes Act (EOPT) Provisions Applicable to the Power Industry
- Clarification on the validity of certificates of tax exemption issued to certain corporations
- Updates to the list of VAT-Exempt Medicines under CREATE Act
- Incentives of Registered Business Enterprises (RBEs) under the CREATE MORE Act
- BIR suspends audits and field operations from December 16, 2024 to January 12, 2025
- Period of Availment of incentives for FIRB and IPA-approved projects under the Create More Act (Sections 19-21)
- Value-Added Tax (VAT) Refund for Non-Resident Foreign Tourists
- Amended Guidelines and Procedures for Processing Excise Tax Exemption Requests for Hybrid and Fully Electric Vehicles
- Implementing the Tax Provisions of Republic Act No. 9267, “The Securitization Act of 2004”
- Amendment and Clarification of Certain Provisions in Previously Issued RMCs to Align with EOPT Provisions and IRR
- Implementing Rules and Regulations on VAT on Digital Services
- Amendments to De Minimis Benefits: Uniform and Clothing Allowance, and Employee Achievement Awards
- SEC Releases Guidelines on The Disclosure of Fee-Related Information of External Auditors
- SSS Implements Revised Contribution Rates for 2025
- Verification of tax refund claims for simple cases
Line of Sight
- Beating the Post-holiday Sales Slump
- Workplace Trends for 2025: What Employees and Companies Need to Know
- Reshaping Tourism of the Philippines through VAT Refund Tourist Law
- Battle with Quarter Life Crisis: The Journey to the Land Down Under
- L&D 2024 Trends and Beyond: Shaping Learning Strategies for a Modern Workforce
- Taxing the digital era
- Setting the right precedence, crucial in business
- The Dilemma of VAT Refund
- Think Like an Owner
- The Balance Between Secret and Innovation
- EU Deforestation-free Regulation: Are you Ready for It?
- Value-Added Tax (VAT) on digital services: Yay or Nay?
- Point-of-Sale Software Challenges in BIR’s digitalization era
- From Amnesty to Accountability: Challenges and Consequences in SEC Filings
- Facing the new year as a compliant taxpayer
- A revisit on the BIR’s audit process and taxpayers’ defenses
- Agri-ing to simplify agricultural sales reporting
- How Powerful “A”m “I”?
- The limit “does” exist.
- Going Green: Sustainability in financial reporting
- To receive a valid receipt or invoice, is it important?
- aGRIgate: A Path to Transparency Reporting
- Freelance work: Is it tax-free?
- PEZA enterprises get easier access to VAT zero-rating with RR NO 03-2023
- M-O-N-E-Y matters in payroll practice
- On estate tax amnesty
- Smishing No More? An Overview of the SIM Card Registration Act
- Accountants’ fearsome foursome
- The special case of IT-BPM companies
- The trap behind easy money schemes
- How sweet, salty became spicy
- Are online purchases threats to perks for seniors, PWDs?
- Monetary, fiscal policies tightened to aid inflation
- What taxpayers need to know
- Where are we in the new normal?
- The Metaverse, more than a gaming world
- The Business of Closing the Business
- Going over going concern
- Easy as 1-2-3: Saying hello to seamless tax filing, payment
- Tax on giving up your inheritance
- Accounting Reshaped: How can we be of help?
- A new standard for audits of less complex entities
- New deferred tax accounting for PEIs
- Extending a helping hand through Estate Tax Amnesty
- The Fight Against COVID-19: To Heal, To Recover, and To Arise
- Adapting to ever-changing seasons
- Transfer pricing in its new form
- Deferred CPAs: Realizability of the Uncertainty
- Going beyond and reCREATE-ing
- Is CREATE better or worse for the economy?
- BIR goes digital with TIN Verifier App
- CREATE Bill on its pending approval to become a Law
- Fresh guidelines on filing of BIR Forms
- CAS application made simple
- Streamlined guidelines, procedures
- 2020: What A Year It Has Been!
- More on 'Bayanihan II'
- Of introspection in the time of social distancing, face masks
- Remember: Gratitude and Love
- Re-learning lessons in life during the pandemic
- The New Normal
- Back to basics
- Check in on yourself
- Tax treatment of donations in the COVID-19 era
- This moment, too, is worth living
- On financial statements, general information sheet
- Are you ready to red team?
- If not now, maybe later
- What do you meme?
- The war on global warming
- Leaders as teachers
- What angers you? (Last Part)
- What angers you? (First Part)
- Chances > Pride
- Professionals under FIRe
- The end
- Before it’s too late
- The recipe for letting go
- Are you crazy?
- Excellence does not always mean perfection
- What are we wasting?
- How have Korean dramas influenced Philippine industry?
- Destination: Unknown
- Crazy not-so-little thing called
- Re-learning lessons of life
- Train: Are we better off with or without you?
- Growth, opportunities in PH online shopping
- Love fessons from Accounting
- Are you as safe as you think you are online?
- Bitcoins: transforming your phones to wallets
- Calming the Waves
- Travel wherever, whenever
- At work – wherever
- Decluttering your smartphone
- Experience the PH: Why and why not?
- Setting up shop in Vis-Min
- Exciting times ahead
- Partners for Change
- Branding alone cannot promote tourism
- Microfinancing the microenterprises
- Penetrating the Filipino market
- Do your own 'personal data'
- Yearend blues
- Moving Forward
- Mindanao’s fight vs economic warfare
- Tax Reform for MSMEs
- Tax reform for real
- Head or Tail: Which Side of the Coin? (Part 1)
- Employers should pay SS sickness, maternity benefits in advance
- Taxing the digital economy
- International indirect tax guide 2018
Driving Growth
Global Insights
- 2017
- The new customer mindset
- Productivity puzzle
- Transform your business with the Internet of Things
- How to be cyber-secure
- Crowdfunding
- Going beyond borders
- GrowthiQ
- Natural capital
- Global sharing
- One Belt, One Road - why is it so important?
- Global Insights
- Who's embracing the latest finance technology?
- Transforming international student mobility
- Efficiency breeds success
- Outsourcing: Beyond technical expertise
- Get close to the professors
- Food and Beverage exports in Europe
- Blog ICT infrastructure
- Price of oil doesn't change its impact on planet
- Blog My thoughts from mining Indaba
- A year of risk and reward
- How to grow without breaking the planet
- LatAm's new challengers
- Act now, or forever be left behind
- Think beyond the acquisition
- Can Ukraine stand-off boost European renewables?
- Tech businesses forecasting strong a 2014
- Rising energy costs put pressure on demand for renewables
- Cleantech businesses maintain positive outlook
- Ireland’s future in Europe
- With social media, the greatest risk is doing nothing
- Why strategy and measuring social media are co-dependent
- Charities must bridge the education gap in social media
- The irony of skills shortages
- The future of corporate reporting
- Who are Brazilians backing to win the World Cup?
- Why businesses should consider outsourcing
- Three threats to real estate and construction growth
- Maintain renewable incentives and enhance energy efficiency
- What can we learn from dynamic business culture?
- In search of the microclimates of opportunity
- Are two Latin Americas emerging?
- How to succeed in China? Go west to the ‘second-tier’ cities
- Sweden is open for business
- Israel: at the forefront of global innovation
- Philippines the biggest climber in business growth environment rankingsq
- Real estate and construction sector outlook improves
- Developing business growth in China
- Chile is the world's second most dynamic economy
- How to do business in China, according to Chinese chairmen
- Fighting back against construction fraud
- Australia tops dynamism index
- The surprising international intentions of Italian businesses
- Thinking outside the Big Blue box: audit competition
- Construction & real estate sector buoyant in Q2
- Doing business in China
- Doing business in Peru
- Jobs shortage hits productivity
- Split at the heart of Europe
- Doing business in Poland
- Doing business in Mexico
- Doing business in India
- The rise of the cross-border transaction
- Doing business in Brazil
- Doing business in South Africa
- Stuck in the doldrums
- Transatlantic boost for cleantech
- Is your business taking CSR seriously?
Articles and publications
- Women in Business 2022
- Women in Business 2021
- Corona relief package: ASEAN
- Restoring focus through global compliance management
- Philippine Government COVID-19 Relief Package
- Women in Business 2020
- COVID-19 Business Checklist
- PH tops ‘Women in Business’ global ranking
- Philippines tops 2020 Women in Business poll
- Philippine ranks first with most women as top corp execs
- PH tops in women leadership roles
- PH tops women in business survey
- Filipina executives top global ranking on leadership role
- PH tops ‘Women in Business’ global ranking
- Philippines has most women in senior positions
- P&A Granth Thornton tax head is among PH Women in Tax Leaders
- P&A Grant Thornton tax head named as Woman in Tax Leader
- World Tax recognizes P&A Grant Thornton’s Pinay official
- The future of leadership: anticipating 2030
- One size fits nothing
- Mission: Possible
- Women in business 2019
- Women in business 2019
- Thriving in 2019’s global economy
- US tax reform: one year in
- Direct to indirect taxation
- Closing the skills gap
- Future of APAC 2018: Identifying growth in disruption
- Impact in action
- Record ASEAN business confidence under threat from US rate
- Investing in ASEAN 2018/2019
- Transfer pricing guide 2018
- Engagement beyond the boardroom
- Europe – a region in resurgence
- Future of Europe 2017
- Locking down the value of data
- Women in business: New perspectives on risk and reward
- Keeping track: Tax changes for mobile employees
- The future of Asia Pacific
- Asia Pacific feels the impAsia Pacific feels the impact of BEPSact of BEPS
- Age is no barrier
- Future of APAC
- Tech playbook - going international
- Tech playbook - compliance
- Tech playbook - tax in a digital world
- Tech Playbook- Raising capital
- How to rapidly scale operations and teams
- Building tomorrow's $bn businesses
- How charity leaders govern social media
- Global PE Report 2014/15
- Food & Beverage looks for growth
- Hotels 2020
- Focus on Latin America
- European CMU
- Grexit and Brexit
- European Commission unveil plans to combat corporate tax avoidance
- EU Capital Markets Union
- M&A 2015
- A global guide to business relocation
- Assessing the impact of FATCA
- Building a sustainable future
- Thailand: the business growth environment
- Gathering momentum: The resurgence of M&A
- Quebec focus 2014
- Public Financial management reform in a period of global adjustment
- Sustainability emerging markets
- Real Estate and Construction
- Mergers and acquisitions: The rise of the cross-border transaction 2013
- Mergers and acquisition: Building momentums 2012
- Real estate and construction in 2014
- Dynamic businesses at forefront of M&A
- Corporate social responsibility
- Real Estate and Construction
- Digital taxation risks double taxation for all businesses
- What a trade war means for Asia Pacific businesses
- Country Profiles
- Insights search
- Let's Talk Tax
- From Where We Sit
- Tax Notes
- Line Of Sight
- Let's Talk TP
- Publications
- The Briefing
- Services
- About us
- Careers
- Industries